[78] The Payne Triplets

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Prompt: Niall is fresh into his senior year. Ready to leave the school and go to college. On the first day back to school, he hears of three, new students. Who could they be?

Contains: Payne!Triplets: Liam, James and Leeroy Payne (All 18)

Words: 9126

*Not Edited*

Niall walked into his high school, backpack slung over his shoulder as everyone flashed him a smile. Today was the start of his final year in high school and he hopes that it'll flash by like leaves in the wind. He wants to get out of here fast, so he can finally major in culinary arts.

He's always loved food, anything about it really. The different tastes, cultures and even how to make the actual breakfasts, lunches and dinners. It all intrigued him and that's why he loved cooking food.

Whether it be for himself, for a friend, or even a family member. He would always enjoy cooking up something amazing for the people he loved; including himself. Possibly, even for a handsome stranger.

As the blonde walked toward his locker, he kept hearing people talk about three new male students. A frown etched onto his face, because why are they so important? Are they from a different country, or are they famous? There had to be something about them that intrigued people.

He brushed the thought away though, opening his locker to stuff the many books that he needed today, including his holographic pencil case that screamed perfection. At least to him since it had his name right on it: Niall James Horan.

After he closed and locked his roomy locker, Niall made his way to the first class of the day: culinary arts. It was only for the students who really had potential in cooking, and Niall always had wonderful marks in his cooking classes.

He sat down at the table nearest to the front door, noticing a boy with feathery soft, brown hair. The tanned boy had a little moon tattoo right under his left ear, an infinity symbol on the inner part of his left handed pointer finger and a few more that caught the blonde boy's attention. Gorgeous, they were.

Class didn't start for another 10 minutes, so when the tanned boy looked over at Niall, he couldn't help but smile at him. He reached his hand out and the paler boy kindly grasped it, shaking it gently.

"My name is Liam, I'm one of the new kids that you were probably hearing about in the hallways. You must be Niall Horan?" The blonde smiled, but frowned a little, because how did Liam know his name.

Before Niall could say anything, Liam pointed to the card at the desk, which stated: Niall Horan's desk. If you get here before him, you may sit here with him -Mr.Green. Niall couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ah, yeah. I'm kind of the best student when it comes to cooking: it's my passion." Liam beamed, heart picking up speed at this newfound information. How could Niall get any better than this?

"Mine too!" Liam stated excitedly, making Niall coo at the adorable boy in front of him. This boy was such a sweetheart and the blonde was surely surprised by this. Every guy in the school was either straight and sweet or a fuckboy, but still sweet. Liam was perfect so far, though.

"Really? That's amazing! Maybe we'll do great together in this class then?" Liam still had a smile glued to his face as he nodded, cheeks heating up at how cute Niall was. He couldn't stop staring and Niall didn't mind.

"I surely hope so." The blonde boy blushed at his words, finally sitting down in his seat as Mr.Green came into the room laughing, his wife following behind him. When he had seen Niall in his vision though, he stepped up to the boy grinning. His wife was still behind him, smiling beautifully.

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