[33] Perfect Vacation [RQ]

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Request from: SarahBroch


Living the poor life is one of the hardest things to do. You sometimes don't have enough food, you rarely have electricity and water and it's just the worst. You don't live the perfect life like the rich people or the people who have a steady income.

You don't have the perks that they have and I just wish that I will someday. My mother and father work day and night, but it's still not enough for us and my brother, Greg. I just hope a miracle will come through for us and we will live a better life soon. We don't have the best of luck either though.


Closing my locker, I look to my left and see my older boyfriend Liam, who is 20 while I'm 18, and he holds a smile to his face while walking up to me. I frown a bit, but still smile as his is very contagious and breathtakingly beautiful.

"Why are you smiling so big, Li? Did you win another lottery?" My rich, older boyfriend rolls his eyes before showing what he was hiding behind him; a bouquet of lilacs.

My eyes begin to water because of everything expensive that he gets me; I have little to no money while he flashes a million one hundred bills in front of everyone, it makes me bad.

"L-Li, you didn't have to get me these; I wish I could give you something in return." He smiles gently still and places a kiss to my forehead, shaking his head slightly while looking into my eyes.

"Your love for me is all I need. I know that sounded really cheesy, but its very true. I don't need anything else from you because I love you too: so much." I can't help but blush and place a slow peck to his lips, earning his big smile back.

"Well that makes me feel a bit better, but I still feel bad. I wanna spoil you as well; I don't want to be spoiled and not give you nothing but my love." Liam sighs and places his strong, warm hands to my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"Love, I think you need a vacation from all of this. Now, I was gonna keep this a secret, but I wanted to have you come along to Spain with my family; since we have a really isolated and big home there that is used for vacationing. How about it?"

That instantly fills me with worry because my family could never pay for that. Liam does have a really good job, along with his family members, but he doesn't want to have them pay for everything. I'm sure he wants other things with the money he has.

"Are you sure, Li? My family can barely afford anything and I feel bad for taking your money for a trip. I don't-" he places a finger to my lips and chuckles lightly. Oh his chuckle, here comes a sassy response.

"You really think I wouldn't pay for your family? I love you, so much, Niall. I want you to have a good, stress free time with your family and mine. You need this right now, don't say you don't, love."

I look down to my feet because he is right; I really need time to myself, well with our family as well, because school has been really waring me down. Why is Liam the kindest human on earth?

"I really appreciate that, Li..." He continues to smile, his eyes growing wide while I look back into his eyes.

"Does that mean you're agreeing to this," he asks.

I nod slowly before feeling his strong arms wrapping around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me around with the biggest smile on his face, as I let out a quiet giggle.

He sets me down after a few seconds though, his arms still wrapped around me, leaning down and placing a kiss to my lips slowly. The warmth of his lips sends shivers down my spine as I kiss him back, my heart beating out of my chest. Liam really loves me; he really, truly loves me.

I pull away from the kiss after a few more seconds, my arms now around his neck while we continue to stare into each other's eyes. "How about we head to your home now, love? I'll come back at six once I tell my family about the trip and get ready for a fun two weeks; because of Christmas break for you, and I asked for the two weeks last month." My cheeks warm up even more while I nod, grabbing my backpack and heading out of the school building with my wonderful boyfriend.


I crash down onto the bed next to a reading Liam who is sporting sexy reading glasses, him smiling down at me next as I yawn big. "Is someone tired after the long flight?" I nod slowly and cuddle close into his side, running my warm hand down his warm, bare side; since we are both only wearing boxers.

"Yeah," I say groggily. "That was my first time on a plane and I thought I was going to die, so I decided to sleep through it." That earned me a chuckle from Liam, who then gets playfully slapped by me on the chest.

"I'm sorry, love. But you are alive and with me, in Spain. We'll go see the sights in the morning and we will have a wonderful time together, I know it. You really need rest though because we will be walking around a lot, yeah?" I grin a bit and nod, continuing to run my hand up and down his side.

"Okay, Li, but I was wondering," I trail off my voice and look down at his boxers, making him frown slightly.

"What were you wondering about, love," he asks, his cute pout coming into view as I giggle.

I move my hand down to his crotch and rub it slightly, making him moan while his eyes grow wide; his cheeks are becoming red as well. "O-Oh, that... I don't think that's a g-good idea, love. Everyone will be able to hear us and you know how loud we both get whenever we do anything sexual..." I roll my eyes and sigh, getting on top of him as I smirk.

"Your mother told me that this room, yours, is sound proof, every room is besides the basement; I think we'll be just fine, master." His eyes grow even more wide before he tosses the book onto the carpeted flooring, gripping my waist quickly afterward.

I smirk and whisper into his ear,

"This is going to be a perfect vacation..."


Cute and sexual in the end, just like me, a 15 year old boy who needs to stop :) I hope y'all enjoyed this new one shot and another should be up soon!

-Robbi x

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