[160] Saving a Life [RQ]

370 17 4

Prompt: Liam, a veteran firefighter, saves Niall Horan's life and earns a new relationship in the process.

Requested by: onedirectionfan35

It was a normal day in the office for everybody. Niall had been working hard alongside his best mate, Louis. They were both unaware of a certain smell protruding in their small space until a loud voice could be heard.

“Fire! There's a fire at the entrance!”

Niall and Louis immediately rushed out of their space and were met with a huge wall of fire blocking the main entrance. Louis wasn't as worried since the flames weren't moving, but Niall was freaking out and scrambling to gather his belongings, so he'd be able to leave right away, after the fire diminishes.

The fire department came at a rather quick pace, pulling up to the office building and dealing with the continuously growing fire that surrounded a few people here and there. This was the point that Louis began to feel a bit nervous, but he and others would eventually get saved by the handful of firemen and women.

Niall was held closely by a gorgeous brunette who pulled him out of the office in the midst of the fire being put out by others. He guided the businessman out and onto the edge of an ambulance where he'd receive refreshingly cold water.

This gave them the opportunity to lock eyes, and neither of them expected to instantly feel a bit of goosebumps run along their respective arms and legs. Niall was awestruck by his beauty.

“I'm Niall Horan... thanks for saving me...”

“Liam Payne.” The firefighter shook Niall's hand delicately, not wanting to hurt him in the slightest. This man was absolutely gorgeous, and Liam couldn't help but get lost in his glowing blue eyes that twinkled in the subtle sunlight. “Glad I could save someone so beautiful from a devastating fire.”

Niall chuckles, tongue swiping at his own bottom lip while he watched Liam move closer to him. Liam leaned against the fully opened ambulance door and continued to Niall up, not caring about anything else that that point because he found a guy who has already overcome him with incredible characteristics.

“Would you like to go out on a date with me?” His forward question brought Niall into a state of pure glee. Liam earns a short nod and a transference of their numbers before parting ways. He had to tend to the other people in need.

This was his life for another year where he'd find himself having a small family with Niall. They were eager to adopt a little boy, finally having the chance to do so and thus bringing in Hayden.

The little boy with his tuft of brown hair and caring eyes immediately attracted to them within seconds of encountering each other. Niall laid his eyes on him first right before Liam, and they made their choice after only a minute of looking around.

After being able to bring him back home, it was already late, so the two of them had to put Hayden to bed. Once they did that, Niall leads Liam into their bedroom and suddenly brought up a topic that hasn't been brought up in a while.

“Hey, ever since you saved my life, things have been so different... Have you noticed that?”

Liam nods. “A little, why? Other than adopting Hayden and us moving into a new house together.” He plants his right, tatted hand on his lover's right, exposed thigh.

Niall sighs softly. “Even though it was possibly an accident, the guy who started the fire has feelings for me.” He bites his lower lip shortly. “I continued to let him down by declining his offers, whether it be for a date or coffee, and I think that struck him down enough to cause a fire. I could've died in there, but you rushed your life, as you do, and now we're here together. I received a second chance that day at life as a new person.”

Liam smiles. “I'm glad I can do that for you.” He leans over and kisses Niall's exposed temple. He had brushed away the few, thick strands of hair that were in the way. “Have you thought about what to do with this second chance?”

Niall nibbles on his inner, right cheek. “I have my degree to become a doctor, but I never got around to it, felt like I wouldn't be able to pursue it well enough even though I acquired the education for it.” Liam frowns. “I know it sounds ignorant of me to say, but I couldn't see myself being a doctor after going through all of the courses and finishing strong. My mind told me to go into business and leave my other dream behind.”

Liam looks at him in awe. “Wow, I didn't expect that...” He gently squeezes Niall's thigh. “Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? I'm sure there is a job opening in the nearby hospital. You can get paid so much more than when working in the office building.”

Niall clenches his jaw. “You're right.” He sighs. “I'll work on quitting then applying for a doctor's position. Thank you.” He leans over this time and kisses Liam on the lips, fully. When receiving a bit of force back, he smiles into the action and trains his fingertips down Liam's buff and toned body.

They haven't been able to spend any sort of time under the covers in a while and since Hayden was asleep, it would give them time to please and love each other to the fullest extent.

Following the few hours of intensity and an average amount of sleep, Niall wakes up first to witness Liam the teddy bear he had gotten him. He holds in a small laugh before taking a quick picture then getting ready for a hard day's work.

About thirty minutes later, after brushing his teeth, getting out of the shower, fixing his hair, and slipping on his clothing, he's met with Liam's arms snaking around his waist in the kitchen. He's been making breakfast while Hayden slept soundly in his rollable baby bed.

“Are you going to try and get that new job today?” Liam's husband tone of voice dripped into Niall's ear. He moved his hands along Niall's body, memories of last night traveling throughout his train of thought. He enjoyed everything second.

Niall hums. “I will try my best.” He sighs and turns off the stove. “It's gonna kill my best mate that I'm going to leave him behind, but I think he'll understand my leave and support my decision to pursue my past dream of working as a doctor. At least, I hope he will support me.” He begins to second guess himself.

Liam notices this, sighing as a result. “He will. If he's really your best mate then he will respect your decision and be there for you every step of the way.” He presses a few kisses to Niall's neck. “I can assure you that Louis will stick by your side and commend you for such a bold and important choice. If not, then Hayden and I will still be here for you, cheering you on until the end of time. You can count on us to be your cheerleaders.”

Niall lets out a short chuckle, snorting at how much of a dork his lover can become in a matter of seconds. “You're always right, which scares me to death.” He plates the food he made on two separate placements, handing one to Liam right after. His words earn a soft laugh from Liam who was also grinning.

“I'm always right because I believe we were meant to meet at the office building. I was meant to save your life and enter it in a big way since we're here together now.” He receives a bright smile from Niall. “I couldn't have asked for a better day of saving people's lives. Our own have changed in drastic measures, but they're great results if you think about it. We have a family and each other. What more could we ask for?”

Niall shrugs and shows off his teeth in a gorgeous smile.

“I couldn't ask for anything better.”


Author's Note: Cute Niam! Next one will be a bit more HOT, I promise, since this one wasn't really that hot. I hope you enjoyed this still, thanks for reading, and I love you all x

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