[131] My Struggles

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Prompt: This one entails of my life besides the summer bits that will be presented, for the most part. I hope you enjoy, basically, my sadness with Niall being me. A Liam hasn't come into my life yet, but Niall is the lucky one in this. Love you all to bits.

It was nearing the end of 6th grade. Niall could feel the adrenaline kicking in as each school day ended, waiting impatiently for the last day of school to make him burst into tears of joy and a fresh start.

But he couldn't help but let the overwhelmingly attractive blonde ruin his life, Josh. He was one of the reasons why Niall came out in the first place, even if he was a bit too cocky and ignorant at times.

They were both so young, yet Niall couldn't stop himself from inching closer and closer to his feelings for the popular boy. Deep down, he knew that it wouldn't work at all, and that was clear as Josh barely gave him the time of day to talk or even grow with.

It was the same for the next year, Josh ignoring his every word or action to speak with his own friends and basically let Niall wallow in his own, young tears that shaped his whole life, but it shouldn't have.

Niall went as far as slipping a very risky and inappropriate note in Josh's locker, immediately regretting it when receiving a note from the gorgeous boy himself.

Josh was obviously uncomfortable and wanted it to stop, but Niall only meant it as a joke. A stupid joke that got out of hand fast that also made Niall's friends laugh.

Niall felt uneasy and upset about his choice, but he had a feeling that things would be better next year. They had to be, right? Nothing else could go wrong.

The next year came by quick and at first, Niall didn't have any classes with Josh, which felt like a breath of fresh air, even though they didn't have any in seventh grade, but it changed very quickly.

It only two about two weeks until Niall had his schedule changed, since he was moved up to Algebra, and he was met with Josh yet again in said classroom. The first day wasn't so bad as the other students were testing, but Niall still felt... uneasy.

It turns out that he also had gym with Josh and even Spanish class. Niall didn't expect this to occur and he didn't know whether to enjoy it or feel disgusted.

His feelings were all over the place, having crushed on Josh for nearly three years now, so becoming discombobulated seemed right. In Niall's case, it did.

The year with Josh was actually better though, the pair becoming closer than ever before as Josh would always bring up his name in Algebra and even sing that same line from Selena Gomez's Hands To Myself together. It felt so perfect yet so surreal.

Niall also noted the fact that Josh had gotten an obvious boner when sitting near each other, and the Irish boy sure liked the pleasant view that day.

But the next year rolled around and the pair only had first period together. Spanish. It seemed like fate, having the two of them be in a similar class again, but they didn't really start talking until they were placed next to each other.

Josh always asked questions, talked with a smile and would plead for the delicious snacks that Niall would bring in at times.

Niall was too in love to realize that Josh had obviously begun to use him, while slowly becoming more and more fake as well. He had fallen into an intense trap.

The rest of the year was simple, though definitely better than Sophomore year.

Niall and Josh had no classes together and would only see each other in the mornings and in the hallways, which saddened the smaller of the two. He wanted to keep the friendship that they apparently acquired, but Josh wouldn't give him the time of day.

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