[Pt.2] Riding With Him [RQ]

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Requested by: mygoldenotp & mcrews6 & SarahBroch (Also dedicated to you three sweet people 💗)

Liam-29, Niall-24

August 29th, 2022

Niall wakes up to the piercing bright sunlight coming into his and Liam's bedroom, in their home, and turns away from bright light to see Liam fast asleep.

The blonde never thought that he would be with Liam, have Liam in his life as his, and have the perfect life with his only celebrity crush; the only celebrity that mattered to him.

The brunette ended his career just before the beginning of August though, because he wanted to settle down with the love of his life, Niall.

When the first two met, it was like cupid shot its arrow at the brunette, his feelings for the blonde growing so fast that it was crazy.

Liam wouldn't have needed the arrow, hell, he didn't even need the arrow when he saw the blonde.

He knew right away that this blonde beauty would be his whole life, his whole world, one of the only things that mattered to him. Niall.

Liam's fans fully supported in him dating Niall, right from the beginning, and the two couldn't have been more happy about that.

But when Liam spoke about him settling down, a few of the fans were a bit angered and blaming Niall, which was to be expected because of the crazy fans.

Most of them though, were supportive and accepted his choice in furthering his life with his soulmate, his baby boy, his princess; Niall's favorite nickname that Liam has given him is baby girl though. He likes to be feminine at times.

The blonde continues to stare at his handsome lover, his chest rising up and down slowly as he sleeps.

Niall runs his fingers up and down his man's hairy chest, enjoying the feeling of it gliding against his cool fingers.

He thinks that Liam's chest hairs are very sexy on him, Liam didn't think so, but Niall changed his thoughts when they made love.

Niall glided his fingers through the hairs and it felt even better when he tugged on them a bit, making the sexual occasion even better for the both of them.

Niall changes Liam's mind most of the time, and it always leads to something great for the both of him; Niall's luck is very high, which is shown very clearly. He couldn't be more lucky to have Liam in his life, that's for sure, definitely.

The blonde removes his fingers from the brunette's thick, dark chest hair, and looks up at his sleeping face.

Its perfectly sculpted in a beautiful face, his gorgeously soft hair at the top of his head, and the stubble on his chin making him even more beautiful.

Niall's near to tears just thinking about him being in this room with Liam, knowing that he belongs to this man, his love for him so strong and powerful, and vice versa.

He lets a small tear drop on the brunette's tone stomach before his alarm rings off; its currently 9 in the morning.

The older man groans and rubs his eyes, yawning as he turns off the alarm, not noticing the blonde yet.

When he does though, his tired face turns into a bright one, a small spreading across his face as he looks at his princess.

"Good morning, baby girl. Did you sleep well after you and daddy had some fun last night?" Niall's cheeks turn bright red, his face being covered with his cool hands.

Liam has a daddy kink and when Niall kept saying that over and over when he rode the hell out of him, it drove the man crazy, a good crazy.

"I slept really w-well." He states truthfully after Liam removes his hands from his face. He still has a slight stutter problem even though its been three years; Liam finds it so cute though, of course, I mean, who wouldn't?

"Good to know, love. Why don't we get ready, then we can do whatever you want today?" I sit up quickly and smile even bigger; this surprises him a great deal.

"R-Really? You haven't let me lead the day in like... Three months." He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders; Liam has demanded things for so long, from everyone, he wants that to change.

"I've been a very needy person ever since I started my career, since when I was young. I asked for anything and anyone would give me what I wanted. I took that for granted and asked for so many things, getting what I wanted from left and right, ordering everyone around.

I was very spoiled, but I want to change that, no, I need to change that. For the both of us." Niall smiles brightly and nods, leaning down and placing a short kiss to his lover's lips.

"I understand, Li. So you'll let me lead the day more often then?" The brunette nods back at him before the blonde's arms wrap around his neck, making him chuckle and blush.

"Thank you so much, Li. I've wanted to do so many things with you, so many things. Go to museums, parks, malls, everywhere. I want to explore this town, this neighborhood, with you. Only you." Liam smile bright again and grips his waist, pulling him closer as he giggles.

"I'd love to explore everywhere with you, day and night, but late in the night, I can explore your body, over and over again; how does that sound?" Niall's blush deepens as the older, handsome man smirks at him, looking at him dead in the eyes.

"That sounds p-perfect to me." Liam chuckles softly before he presses his lips against the blondes slowly, closing his eyes as he pulls Niall closer Into his warm body.

The ring on his finger runs up and down Niall's back, Niall's ring gliding against the brunette's cheek as he caresses it; their love for each other is so strong, their marriage was beautiful, one of the best days of their lives.

When the two pull away, they continue to stare into each other's eyes, softly breathing while their hearts are beating at the same rythym and pace. "Let's get ready for a wonderful, new ride, right, princess?" Niall grins bit and nods gently, looking at his ring and Liam at the same time.

"Let's get ready for a new adventure, Husband."


*gasp* they got married ;) I'm sneaky. But I hope y'all enjoyed the second part to "Riding With Him," I certainly loved making this second part and the first, of course. And I love you all.

*Btw, I can make any of these one shots into stories so, keep that in mind.*

-Robbi x

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