[157] Hidden Desires [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall is a prostitute who finds himself being saved by Liam, a man who is scared by many, but Niall doesn't know the reason why.

Requested by: SarahBroch

The moonlight coats every street corner from what Niall could see. He gazes upon different men and women who walk each block with phones pressed against their faces and the urgency that Niall can't relate to. He stands on the streets, hoping for a guy to come around and buy him off for a night or two. He had no other choice after his continuous firings for being a homosexual male in a mainly straight city. Knowing this, some men experiment with Niall and enjoy their time with him until they throw him away and leave him to other options.

Niall wishes for a better future filled with comfort and luxuries, but he'd have to deal with his only plan for however long.

He's made plenty of money, yes. Yet it doesn't compete with people in business who make a living as the minutes pass by, day and night. He craves a lifestyle in that faction, yet at the same time, selling off his body had its advantages. Pleasure and easy, big money was beneficial in the best ways.

On a chilly night, Niall leaned against one of the many light poles that decorated most streets in his big city. He watches, mainly, men walk around in suits or casual clothing with phones pressed against their shaved or stubbled faces. Their voices overpowered Niall's train of thought as he picked at his black t-shirt that rode down to his lower thighs. This followed a pair of black shorts which reached the tops of his knees and tethered converse.

With his back facing a different street, he doesn't see one of the many businessmen walk up behind and eventually bump into him with enough force to make Niall move a little. He turns to see the man who looks right back at him with a small frown, more out of concern rather than in a hatred manner.

“I'll call you back, Peazer.” He ends the call and shoves his phone in the front pocket in his black slacks. He eyes up Niall, still frowning a little after what just happened. Niall didn't know what to say when taking in such a gorgeous man's appearance. “What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? Are you lost?”

The man with a slight stubble examines Niall enough go earn a short shy and a change in stance as he crossed his arms. “I'm Niall Horan, a prostitute if that's any of your concern. I sell my body out to whichever man comes around, and I get quite lucky around here. Sorry if I'm being too blunt, sir.”

Niall earns a short chuckle and small smirk from the man. “Right, well I'm Liam Payne, and I co-own one of the many tall buildings around here.” Liam sighs. “I don't like to brag, but I do like helping people and since you're so blunt and confident, it draws me in enough to want to buy you off but for good.”

Niall frowns. “Wh-What? You don't even know me, I-”

“I do know that it isn't safe for someone to sell off their body and eventually catch a disease. You need some place to stay from what I can tell, and I don't mind helping you get back on your feet. I've done this a few times before.” Liam takes out his wallet, but Niall stops him.

“Liam, you don't need to do this. I can't take your money, it's like I'm stealing from you, and we're just strangers, I'd feel-”

“Niall... I don't care. I have more than enough money, and if you asked for a million dollars, then that's what'd you get. I'm not fücking around, okay?” He gets up close to Niall, allowing the less fortunate male to inhale his scent and feel his heart speed up.

“O-Okay, 'm sorry...” He takes a short step back before feeling a huge wad of cash plop into his right hand. Liam closes Niall's hand, so he can hold onto it firmly.

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