[158] Aggravating [RQ]

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Prompt: Liam continues to make mistakes and apologizes for them, but Niall can't handle it for too much longer. He's had enough.

Requested by: suga_2My_mochi

Niall never expected to date someone who made constant mistakes, but as his relationship with Liam continued for a few years. He would find Liam in the worst situations and hears Liam's constant apologizes without second-guessing his own emotions. Taking care of himself mattered as well.

It was in the middle of the night when Niall had enough of Liam and his continuous actions that harmed them both. He came back home to find Liam drunk, bottles broken and spilled on different parts of the living room floor. Niall groans and gazes at his boyfriend in complete anger.

The smile on Liam's face diminishes as Niall brought out his hefty duffle bag to put clothing and other amenities inside of it. Struggling, Liam gets up to try and stop Niall, but he gets an immediate glare that strikes him with immense toxicity.

“Don't even act like you're doing this to spite me...” Niall scoffs. “You never once think about how I'm feeling when I see you getting this shit-faced and destroyed after coming home from work. It gets me so pissed off and hurt to know that you're slowly killing your body, and for what? For your own pleasure and to see me react like this?” He stuffs a few different outfits into his best with the best of his abilities. “I want to help you, but I've already tried two times before this. It's no use trying when you don't even care enough to get better for the people that love you the most. I can't stand by and watch you destroy what's been worked on for years. You need to find someone who can handle this because I won't be of use anymore. You're on your own.” He zips the bag closed and reaches for the strap, but Liam stops him with a heavy sigh.

“Baby, please...” He hiccups. “I can do better, I just... I just need you more by my side, I--” He burps softly, and Niall brushes it off. “I only drink like this because I miss you... you are always working, and it compels me to drown away the sinister thoughts that approach me as you're gone. I think you're going to leave me when you meet someone new at work... I think I'll never be enough for you in the future because I can't hold a job for even a solid month... I'm so fücking worthless when it comes to fixing myself, but you know how to. You're just always gone, and I go back to my old ways.”

Niall sighs and lets go of his bag. “I can't always be by your side throughout the week, you know that.” He cradles Liam's right cheek in his left hand. “I never thought about leaving you, and I never intended on doing so. We have been together for so long, even as best mates, so tossing that aside would be bullshït. I'm not one of those people who throw their throw relationships away that they worked so hard to keep. You mean so much to me, and there are so many ways to prove that in a short amount of time. We just... need our space sometimes, as everybody does. We need our time to think and be to ourselves to remain sane and completely human in this fücked up world. Do you understand me?”

Liam nods and feels Niall's hands hold his face, not wanting to look at him in the eyes. He let his boyfriend down for such a long time that he wouldn't be able to even look at himself in the mirror anymore. Niall meant so much more to him than being just a partner, someone to love. He became his oxygen, his reason to breathe under all of the extreme circumstances that they found themselves in over the course of many months.

Niall did get him to open his eyes though, following with a small smile that brought him back to reality. He pressed a few quick kisses to Niall's dry lips, the bitter taste of salt leaving a slight trail until he felt Niall's thumb run along his bottom lip at a delicately pleasing pace.

“Come on, let's go and make some dinner,” Niall trails his right hand down to Liam's left. “Then we can discuss our time together for the next week. It'll be just us, I promise.”

Liam agrees to his terms with a short nod, following Niall into the kitchen where they'd finally prepare a delicious dinner for two that'd last more than a few nights. Niall hasn't felt this type of rush in a while, and he had his work to blame for such an atrocity. He missed Liam more than he thought, so getting to make dinner and have the next week off, as if by luck, sounded like an intense and amazing dream.

After they finished dinner, Niall made the bed while hearing Liam shower in the connected bathroom. This allowed him to think about their past arguments and realize how ignorant the two of them were being within each one.

About a month ago, Liam came home with a couple bags of groceries, and Niall complained that he didn't get what he wanted, as if he were a child. He had a good reason since he had given Liam a list of different items. The argument lasted way too long, a solid hour before it ended with Liam treating Niall to a night of pure bliss.

All of their arguments consisted of forgetting important information, so Niall wanted to change that from now on. He wanted him and Liam to be happier, to forget about their past scuffles that'll allow a successful future for their relationship.

This is made easy when Liam walks out of the bathroom in only his boxer shorts that hung a bit loose on his waist.

He sends Niall a short smile when popping a mint into his mouth. “Like what you see?” His cocky comment results in an eye roll and chuckle from Niall.

“I don't see much...” Niall adds a smirk to his extended response and before he knew it, he and Liam were wrestling on their queen-sized bed. He figured an unpleasant comment as he stated would trigger Liam to start a friendly fight, and this would allow Niall to lay a few, sneaky touches on him.

This engagement resulted in Niall snuggling into Liam's side, both of them only wearing boxer shorts underneath soft covers. Liam kissed his head delicately right after turning off the light, ignoring a subtle groan that escaped past Niall's thin lips which found their way onto Liam's exposed neck.

“All that wrestling got me in a bit of a mood...” Niall runs a few fingers along Liam's chiseled, slightly bearded chin. He keeps at it for few moments until Liam stops him and chuckles with a gorgeous grin sprawling across his tired face.

“We can do whatever you'd like tomorrow. For now, the two of us need some rest, and I need to get over my drunken state.”

Niall kept that in mind all throughout the next day, even after his and Liam's short date in a nearby café. He found himself losing interest in his last night's desires, and that sticks with him when Liam attempts to touch him while they lied in bed.

“I think we should take it easy for the night.” He turns and looks at Liam, who began to frown, in the eyes. “I know I wanted to start up a little something last night, but something made me realize that it wouldn't be right to do it, at least for right now. At the end of the week, we will. It'll be special.”

Liam nods, understanding what Niall meant. “Yeah, that sounds perfect.” He adds a quick smile to his expression. “Until then, we should definitely look up a few different places to eat out since I start that new job next week. I'll finally be able to pay on our dates, after all.”

Niall chuckles and rolls his eyes, jokingly. “Money doesn't matter. As long as you're happy, then so am I.” He grins. “Sure money can be a pain in the ass but having you in my life, in our bed, makes everything a whole lot easier. The arguments we went through made us stronger, and I hope you feel the same.” He runs a few fingers along Liam's chest.

Liam grins and pecks Niall's lips, forehead placed right on his lover's moments later to seal the tender moment. “I do, I always will. You never fail to make me feel important and responsible for your happiness. My love for you is strong.”

Niall can hear each beat of Liam's words. This draws him in deep enough to kiss Liam, this one lasting a bit longer than the last, and snuggling into his side in a comfortable position.

“My love for you is strong as well.”


Author's Note: sorry for these hella short one-shots ah. I hope this one was still okay and that you enjoyed it! The next story will be hella cute, by the way. I love you all and thanks for reading this book still x

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