[32] Make Up Your Mind [RQ]

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[Requested by: SarahBroch]

contains: a bit of cherylxliam, slight!violence


Feeling the cool fan against my face as I sit in the living room is the greatest feeling that I could enjoy right now. With Liam and Cheryl becoming a thing, my heart just couldn't take it all when they were out. I've been liking Liam for what, six years now, and nothing. I know that Liam is Bi so this just makes things really worse.

I've been giving him signals that he liked me, and this one time, he called me babe during a live stream from way back and I couldn't stop blushing or giggling. It was one of the best days, besides the one where we cuddled on stage, now that was a great day. Or when we had those dates at those sporting events, those were the greatest.

We don't do those dates anymore because of Cheryl, though. She always has to hang out with Liam, and we live with each other! Along with Zayn, Harry and Louis, but Liam and I share a room and its mostly wonderful. But when Cheryl comes over, they start to make out and cuddle so I just leave the room. Liam asks if I could stay because we always play FIFA or something no matter what but, I just ignore him and leave.

Speaking of them two, they both enter the house will giggles and laughs, making me fake gag. They enter the living room next, my eyes locked on my phone as I ignore them. "Ni, could you stay down here? Cheryl and I are gonna do some stuff in our room." I nod slowly before he comes over to me, Cheryl heading to Liam and I's room.

"I'm sorry if we don't hang out anymore, Ni. I just really love hanging out with Cheryl and-" I put a finger to his lips. "I get it, Li. You tell me this everyday. Just go fück your girlfriend and leave me the hell alone." I stated angrily before getting up and heading to Zayn's room, tears in my eyes.

Once I enter Zayn's room, I sit down next to him on his bed, sighing. He looks at me and sighs with me. "What did Liam do now?" I clench my jaw and look down. "He brought Cheryl back, again, and now they are probably fücking in our room.." Zayn frowns.

"I'm sorry, Ni. They should really do that somewhere else. I mean, there is a guest room." I nod. "I know.. I swear Liam is trying to make me jealous or something." Zayn shrugs. "I don't know.. But you need to tell him that you like him." I shake my head.

"You need to tell him for me, Zayn. Please?" He sighs again. "Are you sure?" I nod with a slight smile. "Yes, Zayn. You are the only who is ever here besides Liam and I." He looks at me before groaning. "Fine, Ni. You're lucky that I love you." I squealed loudly before hugging him.

"Thank you, Zee! I'm gonna nap now, okay?" He chuckles as I get under his covers, closing my eyes. "Thank you, Zee, really.." He smiles and runs his fingers through my hair.

"No problem, Mate."



"Cheryl please don't do this!" Liam's voice rings around the house as I wake up slowly, groaning. I frown as I hear loud footsteps before a loud slam. Zayn comes into the room blushing a bit. "Well they just broke up.." My eyes grow wide, a smile growing on my face.

"Really, Zee? Wait, why?" He rubs the back of his neck sighing. "Well I told Liam that you liked him and apparently Cheryl heard so she got pissed and called you a fag. Liam seemed hurt but, he didn't want her to go. Liam is Bi though so, I don't know why he wants her now after that word was spilt."

I growled quietly. "I'm glad she is gone. I am so much better for, Liam." Zayn chuckles and sits down next to me. "You aren't wrong about that. You should go check on him though." I nod and hug him for a second before leaving the room.

Entering my room, I sit down on Liam's bed before he comes storming in. I blush as he looks at me. When I look into his eyes as he steps closer, all I could see is anger and hatred. "Why do you have to like me, Niall? Just why?" My hearts slowly breaks into a million pieces. From his words, and his loud tone.

"Li, I'm sorry, I-"

"Save it! I know you didn't like Cheryl and now you got your wish, so she is gone now! I hope you're fücking happy that you hurt me and her." Tears start to well up in my eyes as he gets closer to me. "L-Li, I didn't mean for you to get angry.. I really like you and just-"

Liam interrupts me quickly, his first colliding with my jaw, making me hold it quickly as I let out a whimper. I look at Liam with hurt in my eyes before pushing him out of the way, running out of the room and the house in tears.


I come into the boy's room quickly before seeing Liam on his bed with quickly bruising knuckles. I go over to him with wide eyes. "What the hell did you do, Liam?!" He looks up at me and I see tears in his eyes. He sniffles and looks down as a tear falls on his bruised knuckles.

"I-I punched, Niall.. I didn't m-mean to.. I was just u-upset.." I sigh and shake my head. "Liam.. Just go after, Niall.. You know where he would go.." He nods quickly before wiping his tears away as he walks out.

"You better make this right, Liam.." I mumbled to myself.




I quickly make my way to the park where our little hangouts used to be when we had our alone time, and I see Niall on our bench. I walk over to him before sitting down next to him sniffling. "Ni, I'm so sorry.. I was just angry.." I said in a soft, hurt tone. He looks at me slowly and notices my tears.

"Li.. You are gonna have to do more than just that to get my trust back.." I nod slowly and turn to him as he turns to me. "I-I know, Ni.. I'll do anything.. I'll even admit my feelings.." His eyes grow wide. "Your.. Feelings?" He blushes as I blush.

"Yeah.. When I saw the hurt in your eyes before you ran off, I noticed that I should never hurt you, no matter what. You have always been there for me and I can't help but have these strong feelings.. I want to love you, hold you, and spoil the hell out of you... I'm just sorry for being an arse.." He sighs then places his left hand on my right thigh.

"Its fine, Li.. Just make it up to me. Make up your mind. Do you really have feelings for me?" I smile with tears still in my eyes. "Yes, I do, Ni. I'm gonna make it up to you by taking you on the most expensive date and just kiss you to death and, I promise to never hurt you again." He smiles and sniffles, tears in his eyes now.

"I'm glad you've made up your mind, Li.."



A new one-shot! Finally! Thank you for your requests, Sarah :) I hope y'all enjoyed this one and please remember to leave a vote and a comment if you enjoyed. Also leave a request if you would like to. I love you all -Robbi x

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