[128] The Prince

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Prompt: Niall is the Prince of England, his parents still reigning and ruling the beautiful area. Liam is a commoner, having a steady job as he lived alone in his adequate home. Niall needs to find his other prince though, so what'll happen when Liam gets the chance to be just that?

Dedicated To: KissingWhiteLies

Liam rummages through his drawers in the small bathroom, groaning as he can't find his cologne. Even if he had little to nothing in the few rooms of his house, it was still hard to find the littlest of things here and there and it was frustrating.

He eventually did find it though, in one of the small drawers that was made with the cabinet in the bathroom. Liam sighed in relief and let a smile come upon his face as he sprayed some of it on, putting it back in a better place before leaving second later.

The Englishman then took his time and made it into his kitchen, gathering the materials for waffles before grabbing the fruits that he placed upon them afterward.

As he made his food, he couldn't help but look out his decently old window and notice people holding up some kind of flyers in excitement, sounding more than happy about some sort of event.

Liam furrowed his brow and thought nothing of it until he heard a knock at his slightly rickety door. He had just finished making the food, so he turned off the burner then went to the entrance.

He opened the door and was met with a few of his friends, Louis, Harry and Zayn who seemed to be very excited as well.

Louis gave him the paper with a huge smile on his face as he and the other two entered. Liam continued to frown as he read the flyer and closed the door simultaneously. What could this be?

Dear Commoners,

I have waited so long for this special day to come. Prince Horan is now looking for the best, suitable man that he shall become King with and you may fit perfectly. Every man in the area is welcome and please make to show your utmost respect to not only just him but with the rest of the royal family. Thank you for your precious time and don't be afraid to come along on this rare opportunity -Queen Horan

Liam was shocked as he finished viewing the crisp paper, wondering why this seemed like a good and bad idea only for himself, but for the others as well.

He went to speak with his group of friends and tried his best to talk first but Louis had interrupted him with a contagious grin.

“You're going to try and win Prince Horan's heart, no ifs ands or buts, mister. We all decided that it'd be best for you to get out there after all these years and what better way to find a man then to have a chance with one of the hottest ones, who's also quite rich and famous, of course.” Liam sighed, rolling his eyes at his friend while the others were nodding along with Louis.

“I don't know about this, you guys. If I can barely handle myself at times, how can I handle someone so important and busy at the same time? It sounds like the worst idea known to man...” Harry and Zayn rolled their eyes this time, standing up to get into Liam's comfort zone.

“This is a huge opportunity to be with someone who can love you though, Liam. All of us know damn well that the King's always treat their partners with love and respect, even the princes who will eventually become King. You just have to take this chance and see where it goes, and if you don't win, then this wasn't meant to be, like a fairytale.”

Liam couldn't believe it, but Harry's words seemed to etch into his brain and helped him realize that he shouldn't wait. He should take this chance and see where it goes, just like Harry had stated.

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