[153] Reconnecting

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Prompt: Niall and Liam have split up, but a chance encounter could bring them back together.

Dedicated To: Nialljhoranflicker

Niall knew what Liam would tell him when he got home. He knew that he wouldn't like hearing the truth after figuring out what was going to happen. He didn't like it.

Once he hears Liam walk in later in the day, he doesn't dare to look at him, the man who didn't tell him about the move that'd split them apart for far too long.

Liam immediately figures out the reason for him being silent and lets out a long sigh. He sits down next to Niall and reaches to touch his shoulder, but Niall shrugs it off and stands up. He looks away from Liam and shakes his head. He keeps the built up tears hidden inside.

“Baby, please... I was-”

“You were what,” Niall snapped. “You were going to tell me that we would be split apart a day before leaving? How selfish are you? Huh? You should've told me about this the day when you got this opportunity.” Niall sighs and crosses his arms. “I can't believe this... I can't believe you would do this to us, to me.”

Liam clenches his jaw and stands up. “I'm not being selfish, Niall. This is my future and I figured that you would be happy for me since I'd get more money and live the dream that I always wanted, to travel to a new country.” Liam scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You're the one I can't believe right now. What did you do with Niall?”

He's making Niall even more pissed off. “Get out!” Niall's voice boomed against the walls. “Get the fück out of here because I can't do this... I need you-- I needed you by my side, but if you find this more important, then so be it. Goodbye, Liam.”


A few years passed since the night, and Liam found himself sitting in a new home of his with a friend that he made in Australia: Louis. They hit it off immediately and became really close. Liam trusted him, he still felt a piece of him that's faded away. A piece of him that left when he and Niall broke up years ago.

Louis noticed this often and decided to fix this issue. He set up a blind day their third day back, after settling into the brand new apartment, and came to Liam after it was all finished. He didn't expect to see his friend reaching for a beer bottle but sighed nonetheless.

“I set up a date for you, and there's no getting out of this one, Payne.” He helps Liam out of bed but doesn't really get anywhere when he feels more weight needing to be pulled moments later.

“Lou, I can't do this. I feel and look like shit right now and-”

“Nonsense, you nob!” Louis thumped his head and shakes his own while letting out a soft scoff. “We are going to clean you up and I'm going to drop you off at the café down the street where this lucky fella will be waiting. I assure you that this going to do you some good.”

Liam sighs but complies and allows Louis to drag him along. He really didn't want to do this, especially not right now, but he'd have to get out eventually.

After it was all finished, Liam sat in the war and waited for Louis who called up his own boyfriend, Harry.

He looks at himself in the car mirror and sighs. He hoped that this guy would appreciate and accept his flaws for what they turned out to be. This could define the next few years of his life, and that thought scared him.

Once Louis stepped out and drove them to the café, worry filled Liam completely. He continuously tipped his foot when glancing out into the peaceful town, memories flooding back that reminded him of Niall who he loved endlessly. He wonders how he was doing, even if their last moments together were horrible.

Louis drops him off at the café and parks his car to meet up with Harry and split away from Liam. He did this after pointing to the guy that called him as he remembered what he looked like in the photo. At least, he knew of the back of this guy's head.

This gives Liam the chance to finally step in and step towards this brunette. He doesn't expect to see Niall sitting there. His blonde hair had completely faded and he didn't know whether to keep walking or run off.

Niall notices him though, and he's forced to walk up with an awkward smile on his clean face.

“Liam... Are you my blind date?” His voice was soft, still very Irish and easy to pinpoint. Liam sits down in front of him and feels a sense of uneasiness pool over him.

“I guess so, huh... Did Louis call you?” Niall nods and that's what makes this whole situation even more grueling to go through. Did Liam really want to go through with this again? Has Niall changed?

“Yeah, he was really sweet... I-If you don't want to talk with me, I totally understand, and I-”

“No.” Liam's voice was firm. “We have grown up, and I would regret not trying to at least be friends with you again. It wouldn't be right for my conscious.”

Niall smiles a little and watches as the food he ordered gets set down in front of him. “Can you get an extra plate for me? On me.” The waitress nods and leaves them alone with a soft smile. Liam sighs heavily.

“You don't have to do this, I can-”

“Ah ah, I insist!" Niall smiles. “I acted like a huge asshole before you left, and I learned from my wrongs.” Niall bites his bottom lip. He feels a wash of uneasiness pool over him this time. “You had a good time in Australia, I presume?” He has to ask.

Liam hums shortly. “Yeah. Got the work that needed to be done finished, and I met Louis and his boyfriend along the way and they're great people.” He remembers the first day they met easily and couldn't forget it.

Niall looks at him with a strong gaze. “Good.” He takes a chip and eats it slowly. He doesn't know what else to say or ask, but he knows that he misses Liam. “I regret acting like that, you know...” Niall spoke after taking a sip of his raspberry tea. Liam raised his brow while Niall continues, “I mean... I was acting like a teenager in a cheesy romantic comedy. The overdramatic woman who always acts out like a complete idiot? That was easily me, and I sincerely apologize for that.”

Liam looks between their hands on the table and lets out a soft and slow sigh. He missed Niall a lot. “I accept your apology.” Liam made sure that he knew that. “If I'm being completely honest... I miss you.” Niall's eyes brighten and he finds a bit of joy in his heart again. “I miss all of the times when we acted like complete idiots and made those ridiculous decisions together. We were perfect and fought against the whole world. Nobody brought us down beside each other, and I guess that should mean something important for both of us.”

Niall nods. “It does.” He reaches over and steadily and laces their hands together. Liam squeezes his in response and feels his own heart rate pick up speed.

“Have you ever thought about coming back to me? In a relationship type of way, obviously.” Liam bites his bottom lip. “I-I have, which is one of the few reasons why I'm asking right now. If that doesn't seem like a good idea-”

“No no, I miss you a lot...” Niall quickly interrupted and squeezes Liam hand. ”I want us to get back together, and I promise to never act out again and let you down. I don't wish to ruin what we'd have again.”

Liam smiles in satisfaction and rubs his thumbs along the tops of Niall's soft hands that fit perfectly in his own.

“I know you won't...”

Niall lets out a sigh of relief and looks at him lovingly.

“So... How about we talk about the last few years?”


Author's Note: Niam are happy and back together again in the end! Perfect. I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, thanks for reading, and I love you all x

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