[43] My Blonde Kitten [RQ]

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Requested by: lamedelaney

I think imma start doing my A/Ns at the beginning because who reads after finishing what the author wrote for the people's? I'm sure a lot of people, but this'll be easier.

The Requests are now open again so if you want to make one, feel free and I'll finish them as soon as I can. For now, enjoy this one with Kitten!Niall :)

Contains: hybrid(kitten)!Niall (21), Normal!Liam (24)

A short haired brunette gets patted on the back with his friend's hand as he drives. "Oh, Liam... I can't believe that you lost the bet, you suck." Liam rolls his eyes at Harry before sighing in annoyance; he's obviously very annoyed.

"Okay, well, I'm sorry that I couldn't stuff enough of those bloody marshmallows into my mouth. You're the one who is always practicing with your hybrid's, Zayn's, dïck.

I have no one to practice on, in a loving way." Harry rolls his eyes, also blushing a bit at the thought of him and his kitten boyfriend, Zayn, in bed together.

"I'm sorry, mate. You made the bet that you could fit more in your mouth and you lost, only by a couple less. Maybe a lucky hybrid will get you to practice more so you can beat me next time."

Liam sighs in anger and stops in front of the building that does auctioning for hybrids. It's kind of demeaning for the poor hybrids, but it's a good way to make cash, sadly. The brunette never wants to hurt anyone, not even things that aren't human.

He was told as a kid to never harm others, and he has stuck by that rule that his mother gave him. Some of these hybrids have most likely been beaten or hurt during this process, and it just breaks his heart knowing what they've been through. Perhaps he'll save just one of them, now that he thinks about it.

When the two enter the place, Liam can already smell the hint of blood and tears. He has dealt with many tears in his lifetime, and he knows the smell of blood like the back of his hand. The man has seen battles, tough battles, and the tears of many people who have been hurt.

He loves taking care of the lesser people, its actually one of his jobs, and even though its hard to see them cry or in pain, he gets through it because he is helping them. That's what he wants to do now with one of these hybrids, he decided in his head.

The two sit down in one of the front double chaired tables and Liam is taking out his wallet, making Harry's eyes grow wide. "Mate, what're you doing? You're seriously going to buy one?" The brunette frowns at him, but then nods while looking through with what he has.

"Yes, Haz, I am. I have a lot of money because oh my hard work and my rich parents. I'll be okay; I just don't want to see another one of these beautiful creatures in pain." Harry's eyes soften and he nods, deciding to shut up and let his friend do something nice.

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