[54] Moonlight

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Summary: Liam is the sweetest and greatest boyfriend that there could be. Niall is the lucky one who gets his love and gets to be his, in every way possible. They love each other, can be cliché, but are the best couple you can find.

Niall-23; Liam-27

December 2020

Niall snuggles up close into his lover's, Liam's, side, a smile etched across his face as they are watching a random, long movie.

As they do so, the sun is setting and shining right into the room. It's a beautiful sight for such a gorgeous couple.

The brunette looks down at his boyfriend who is looking up at him in the process, now both blushing as they look into each other's eyes.

Liam then runs his right hand up and down Niall's upper thigh, sending shivers down the blonde's spine.

Niall continues to smile gently at him, hoping that everything that they do together, and just him in general, will be like this; stay like this until they die peacefully together.

That's what Niall wants, because Liam is already near to his heart. He's so close to falling in love, but he doesn't know if Liam wants his own love in return. He'll have to figure it out himself.

Niall wraps his arms around the older man, looking down at his hand that's placed on his side securely, showing the blonde that he's in safe hands and that he'll never be hurt. Liam will never hurt him in any way possible.

As the two do snuggle, night comes fast and the moon's light is shining into the room as they still lay there, cuddled and both full of happiness. Gentle smiles are still across their beautiful faces.

Niall softly kisses his fingertips, one by one, making the brunette smile from ear to ear. Surprising the blonde, Liam slowly attaches his lips to his pale neck.

He sucks in a harsh breath, but he let's it happen because he wants Liam to take over him and his body, however the older man wants. Though, Niall takes a handful of Liam's hair in his left hand, gripping it softly as the brunette sucks harder.

The blonde lets out a low moan as he begins to grow in his panties while Liam grows in his shorts. He licks his lips before the brunette detaches his own from his pale skin, placing them on the thin lips of Niall, his lover.

Niall lets out another soft moan as they kiss, smiling gently while Liam gropes his bum, after placing him on his lap.

The older man grips it then, pulling away from the kiss to suck on the blonde's bottom lip gently. That drives Niall even more insane, to the point where he wants more of Liam; his man.

Niall runs his fingertips down Liam's torso, the chest hairs running against them before he reaches his belly button. Blue eyes meet brown and Liam nods, giving Niall permission to do whatever he wants.

The blonde smiles, blushing faintly, before scooting back a bit to palm Liam through his shorts. Liam moans in response, smiling as he watches his younger lover try and make him feel pleasure for the first time.

"We'll take things slow, love," Liam speaks quietly, making Niall's head snap up, but the blond nods.

"That's fine with me, LiLi."

That's what happened the next hour. Passionate lovemaking that made their bond so much stronger. The touches, the kisses, everything, made the long moment so perfect for them both.

Niall snuggles close into his older man's side, smiling gently as the moonlight still shines bright into their bedroom. Its shining on their bodies like it was meant to be there, at that point in the sky.

Liam smiles down at his lover gently, continuously rubbing at the blonde's side, which makes him shudder slightly. The brunette smirks and kisses his head before turning off the TV, letting the quiet sink in; the only sound being their soft breaths.

As the older man holds Niall close, the blonde starts thinking about his own and Liam's feelings.

What could they both be thinking at this point? Does Liam want to do more things like that with him? Did he even do a good job? Liam does seem quite happy, so maybe he did. Maybe he made his daddy oh so happy.

Niall's arms are still wrapped around the other man's waist and he never wants to let go. He wants to hold onto and cherish him for as long as he can, 'till death makes them part. He wants it.

Liam needs the same thing; to be with Niall forever and to hold him, love him, and take care of him. Everything that he wants in a relationship, he is going to get it with Niall, he hopes.

The blonde is already so perfect in this relationship, so that makes Liam the happiest man on earth, because of this younger lad. His younger boyfriend who is oh so special.

Liam places a kiss to Niall's head again before the blonde looks up at him with a deep red blush that coats his cheeks thoroughly.

The brunette sneaks a quick kiss, his easy attack, which makes Niall giggle cutely. One of the cutest noises that he can make, besides other ones. Liam sure does love the other ones.

"Thank you for being so perfect, baby boy," Liam speaks up softly, brushing a few streaks of hair that was in Niall's face. The blonde grins softly.

"You are one of the most important things in my life, and have been for a while now. You make me so happy and I hope I do the same for you."

Niall smiles brightly before nodding, clearly saying yes to the question, but he must emphasize it.

"You do. You make me very happy, LiLi, and I really hope you know that. I appreciate everything that you have done for me, in all honesty. I really like you."

Liam smiles and pecks his lips again. God, Niall is so perfect/adorable. No one can beat his beauty nor his charisma.

Niall is his moonlight and he wants the blonde to know that because he has a special place in the brunette's heart.

He's at the center of his heart, showing that Niall is the most important thing in his life at this time.

Perhaps, Niall will always be like this to the man. Maybe, just maybe, Niall will always be Liam's moonlight; that's what the older man wants.

"If you keep telling me that you like me, then I'll just have to smother you with kisses, now won't I?" Niall giggles and shrugs his bare, pale shoulders, letting some of the cover fall down his body slightly.

Liam licks his lips while placing a hand over Niall's chest, where his heart is. He then smiles gently and pecks the blonde's lips, humming softly as he does so.

Niall rests his forehead against the older man's afterward and smiles just as big as him. He's so happy to be with Liam and vice versa, at this point.

They want to be like this, though. The two want to be happy with each other; no problems in their way as they live on. That's their goal in life.

"I'd rather not want to smother you in any way, because it is getting late. I'll smother you with kisses though, moonlight." Niall blushes faintly and nods, letting his eyes drop as they're heavy. Liam does the same as he smiles from ear to ear.

The brunette's words were the last that night, because they had fallen asleep whilst cuddling.

Niall and Liam are bonded even more and that's what they wanted when they had their first time; at the perfect time while in the moonlight. That's what Niall really wanted.

And he calls me moonlight too...

A/N: Last lyrics again (I'll be doing that for song themed one shots now) and I hope y'all enjoyed this! Leave suggestions if you'd like, since there can still be 130 more for y'all ;) love you lots x

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