[67] Call It... Fate [RQ]

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Requested by: mrs_horan_59

Contains: Alpha!Liam Omega!Niall

Niall roams the spacious, woody area of the wolves' forest, whining and begging for someone to come help him. He's a rogue omega, which means that he can't turn into his human form, unless there was an Alpha around.

The gray wolf has been stepping on branches and breathing raggedly for a good twenty minutes, trying to get back to his pack, but he got lost. He's starting to get scared as the minutes go by, but when he hears the loud snapping of a branch, he starts calming down: it's an Alpha.

His clear, blue eyes look at the human form of an alpha, who eyes the rogue omega up and down as he steps up to him. Once he gets close to Niall, he licks his lips a little and begins to figure out who this wolf is.

"Who are you, omega," the alpha asks, trying to get Niall to talk, but the blonde doesn't respond. Before he could say anything else though, a growl is heard behind him and his eyes begin glowing yellow.

He turns his heel, quickly shifting into his large wolf form to quickly scare off the beta in front of the two wolves.

Niall starts reacting to the alpha though and his body begins to form into a human. His front legs turn to arms and his hind legs turn into pale, slightly hairy human legs as his bones crack into place.

His hairy body, besides his legs, turns into soft, smooth human skin and his eyes turn lighter, along with his cold nose forming into a human, button kind of one.

Though, the worst part of turning back into his human form, is that Niall is starch naked, but he's human again, after so long. He covers himself as the alpha turns back into his human form, wiping away at his brown, leather jacket.

Niall blushes at the man before him, but the alpha smiles at him a little.

"I'll take you back to the pack and someone will give you clothes. I'm sure you don't want to speak with me, and I understand, but you are a rogue omega, yes?" The blonde omega nods slightly.

The alpha just smiles and leads the boy to the pack house, hoping that this boy will be okay to live here after having to go through a lot.

When the two make it to the pack house, someone quickly gives the blonde a soft blanket. He sits down on one of the bed in the house and looks around slowly, admiring the large area.

As he looks around, his heart starts beating quick and he can sense him. It's his alpha and the feeling is getting stronger and stronger. When the blonde finally looks right, he sees his alpha.

The slightly older boy looks down at Niall, the feeling of his bond with this omega at its peak. He knows that this omega is his and vice versa.

The feeling at the pit of their stomachs doesn't say otherwise and they are smiling at each other. They thought this day would never happen, but it did. It finally did.

"What's your name, beautiful," the alpha speaks, sitting down next to his bonded beauty. He caresses the omega's cheek and Niall can't help but giggle a little at the action.

"I-I'm Niall... Y-You?" The alpha smiles at his Omega's name, placing a hand on his right cheek.

"I'm Liam, darling. Its so wonderful to finally meet you," the alpha replies with, earning a bigger smile from the blushing omega. His blushing omega.

"I-It is... P-Plus I haven't r-really met anyone n-new in a while... A-And well, y-you are my a-alpha..." Niall takes a slow breath, as his stuttering is getting to be a little too much, but Liam places a kiss to his left cheek, calming him down a lot.

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