[139] Sensitivity

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Prompt: Niall is pushed around at work for being a hybrid and no one seems to care but a kind brunette with a kind soul and good intentions for the both of them.

Dedicated To: AditiiTomlinson

Niall worked long hours at the club near his home. During each of those hours, he'd face cruel remarks, playful yet still rude taps and touches, and ignorant customers that treated him poorly.

Sure, he had a fluffy tail and dark brown ears atop his head, but that didn't give people the right to be mean.

He had to face these certain people mostly during his night hours, suffering through the drunk comments and touches that made him both uncomfortable and broken.

No one seemed to care, not even batting an eye whenever someone treated him this way, and he wanted to leave this job, but he knew that nobody else would hire him or care enough to give good enough hours with decent pay.

The hybrid had no other choice but to stay and deal with the rude people, letting them push him around and treat him like dirt when he didn't even deserve a single bit of it.

Luckily, on a calmer and slightly rainy night, Niall endured the least amount of negativity with the few consumers that entered the club that night.

He made a couple drinks here and there with small smiles, earning very little tips as well, before a tall man sat at the bar, sending shivers down his spine.

This tall brunette looked a little too perfect with a slightly fit build, dark brown eyes that Niall got lost into, and a scent that made him smell heavenly.

Niall snapped out of his thoughts though when noticing the man waving a hand in front of his pale face.

“Can I order something, love?” He spoke with an actual nice tone of voice, causing the young Irishman to frown a bit.

“Yeah, of course…” The man gave the order and Niall happily obliged to it by creating the drink, handing it to him afterward with a soft smile that made the sweet man smile right back.

“I appreciate the drink, no other bar would let me have this… My name is Liam, by the way.” Niall nodded. “It's lovely to meet a hybrid as adorable as you, Niall.”

The younger male blushed, but then felt that small ping of happiness fade as he looked up beside Liam to see the familiar, dark-haired man.

“Good evening, precious.”

Niall forced a small smile when the elder man spoke, preparing the usual drink for him as carefully as possible.

Liam watched his movements, glancing at the man beside him as he sipped his drink.

The Irishman gave the man his beverage when finishing it, continuing to wear his smile as his ears flattened.

Liam took notice of this, frowning more, knowing that it meant a sign of sadness or worry.

“H-How is it, Zayn… M-Mr.Malik?” Zayn took a long sip before exhaling with a smile, slipping a nice tip for the hybrid before leaning close to his ear.

“Could be a bit sweeter, but I'll cut you a little slack for tonight as today went well.” He tugged hard at the hybrid's tail, receiving a high pitched mewl from Niall as he squeezed his eyes shut from the sudden, painful action.

Liam watched the pain shape his face and scoffed, making the black-haired man sit back down, giving him a look of disgust. Niall grew more worried.

“Mind your own business, asshole.” This fueled the buffer brunette’s anger as he slid a one hundred dollar bill in Niall's jar, making the hybrid’s eyes grow wide.

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