[166] Photoshoot(s) [RQ] [!]

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Prompt: Niall never thought he'd take modeling images of the Liam Payne, but he received more than that opportunity throughout a short amount of time.

Requested by: njhrainbow

Niall takes the opportunity to look through his emails on a breezy, Sunday night. As usual, most of them were either spam or junk mail. That was until he stumbled upon one that contained a model's name he grew accustomed to without even working with him even once. Liam Payne, ambassador of Hugo.

He never thought such an opportunity would arise, but he quickly read through the email and replied to it with care and attention to his own detail that'd reach a professional level of ethics.

After replying, Niall shuts off his laptop and lamp, not expecting to wake up to a reply the next morning. He falls asleep in a matter of minutes, in time with his phone buzzing and screen flashing on. It's a notification from Hugo.

When waking up the next morning, it takes him longer to finally reach for his phone after showering and doing his daily routine altogether. He scrolls through his long list of notifications until he stops at the important one from Hugo, a huge smile etching onto his cleanly shaven face that he adored.

He would begin the photoshoot today as they've been trying to reach the deadline for a while, but other photographers have either been MIA or uninterested in Liam's work. Niall couldn't believe such opinions about the absolutely stunning man who can wear anything and still make it look beautiful. He couldn't wait.

Hours passed, after Niall ate some food, packed some for later, and gathered his equipment, and the professional photographer found himself waiting on a rooftop where the first shoot would take place. He's been waiting a short while, showing up early at the address, so he wasn't angry at all when Liam finally stepped through the metal door to lay eyes on him.

“You must be Niall Horan.” Liam reaches his hand out for Niall to shake. He received the greeting he expected. “I've seen a lot of your work, and I can't wait to be by your side for the next few days.” Niall was giddy already at how sweet Liam was being, prepared for more of this behavior and more.

“We will definitely have the best few days together, trust me.” Niall turns on his heels toward the equipment he's already set up, soon noticing the outfit Liam wore.

It was a simple, white button-up and dark blue slacks and dark blue jacket type of outfit. The simplicity of it didn't matter though, because Liam is the main feature of this shoot, and he looked perfect in the lightning Niall made in a short time.

“You ready, Payne?”

Liam smiles adorably at Niall, slinging the jacket over his shoulder with his other hand slipped inside of his pant pocket. “I always read to be in front of a camera.” He begins to smirk. “Everyday is a runaway, after all.”

Niall hums in content, aiming the expensive camera in his hands to perfectly align his first, few shots at the model in front of him who instantly gave a smoldering look that could kill. The next few days were going to be fun but a trial for Niall.

After the first couple of poses, Niall took the time to look through each shot. He tries his best to not show Liam who's eager to view the images himself.

“Come on, I want to see them.” Liam was close to begging like a child, but Niall gave in after a few minutes of teasing and looking through each photo that he took of the perfect model.

Liam takes a quick view of each image, the small smile on his face from the beginning seeming to stretch wider with the photo that he examines thoroughly. This leaves Niall to smile and gush as if Liam was complimenting him already.

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