[70] I Need You [RQ]

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Requested by: hello_its_Lizzy

Niall checks his hair once more as he gets ready for the interview with James tonight on the Late Late show. Niall isn't sure of what he'll be asked, but he's hoping that James won't bring up Liam and how they're broken up now.

The blonde doesn't wanna tell millions of people why, because it's a dumb reason. He just thinks that he isn't good enough for Liam, so he left him. Although, when the brunette man keeps trying to get in contact with him, he just ignores him.

He knows that he'll just feel the same if he tries to get back with Liam, so there's really no point in trying again with the cute brunette. Even though, deep down, he wants nothing but to have Liam in his arms, kissing him like his life depends on it.

But he could never go back to Liam, even if he knows that Liam will want him back fast, he just can't bare with the fact of feeling worthless. Liam did treat him special and that gave him confidence, but his own thoughts overthrow what he had said to him multiple times.

His heart will always hurt in the end if he continues to want Liam, so he must lay off in order to try and be happy and content with his life. No matter how painful it may get, he's gonna try.

A lady walks up to the blonde, tapping his shoulder as he looks down his phone, watching Liam continuously text him. It breaks his heart seeing how the brunette is getting so desperate and he's getting more and more tempted to text him, but he can't and he won't.

"Niall, you'll be coming up next to talk with James, are you ready?" She asks sweetly, holding her clipboard tightly in her pale hands. Niall looks up at her, nodding with a gentle smile.

She then walks off as Niall lets out a sigh, stepping up to the curtain after checking his hair one last time: also making sure that his heart won't explode with it beating so fast.

"Alright alright! I'm going to welcome you all one of my best mates here on stage, out with his new single Slow Hands. Give it up for: Niall Horan!" The audience claps, screams and whistles for the blonde man as he then steps out from behind the curtain; a big, bright smile spread across his face.

He sits down in the soft chair, closet to James, as the croud is still going mad crazy. Niall blushes at the appreciation he's getting, butterflies becoming more evident in his stomach. James can't help but laugh softly at his flustered friend.

"Alright, settle down, everyone. We know he's a good looking lad with a very intimate song, so calm down ladies an gentlemen." Niall chuckles and looks down at his hands, feeling the stress come right off his shoulders at James' words.

"But since we are fawning over this wonderful man and his sing, why don't we talk about it?" Niall's smile fades a little bit, as it is about Liam, but he doesn't want to think about that.

"What made you want to write this song, Niall?" James asks, putting his hands on his chin, pretending to be an obsessive fan. The audience and Niall laugh softly together.

"Well, I thought my fans would enjoy a more intimate song that is a bit sexual. I mean, not everyone will have a chance with me, but this song helps imagine things a little more clearly. So, consider it a gift, ladies and gentlemen." Niall smirks at the camera, getting oohs from the crowd and an ahh from James.

"Interesting, nice. But is it about anyone in particular? That's the real question and I'm sure everyone wants to know who this other guy or girl is who drives you insane, but in a hot way." Niall chuckles a bit, clenching his jaw slightly, because he knew that James would ask him this.

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