Request Guidelines

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Updated July 4th, 2020

These guidelines are to rid any confusion about what I write about and what people can request. Here you will find lists of what information to give me when submitting a request, what characters and ships I write for, and what scenarios I don't write for. These are subject to change as my opinions, feelings, and experiences change.  Please check these before making a request.


- Please send requests through private messages or my Tumblr ask feature (URL is starfleetimagines)

-  Please only send in one request at a time. This means not only to only send in one request per ask, but also please wait until your request has been posted (or the ask posted with an explanation as to why I won't be writing the request) to send in another. This just makes it more fair to everyone

Please don't send in a request expecting me to write it instantly, or a request that is about something personal happening to you in the moment you send it. Sometime like, "I'm having a really bad day, could you write about x comforting the reader?" These make me feel very guilty because I cannot write them instantly and most of the time they won't get written for weeks

Give me a general idea of what you want the imagine to be about (not too vague, please)

Don't tell me about yourself (like how you look, name, etc.) because I write my imagines as reader-neutral as I can (Y/N is used in replace of a name - this means your name)

Tell me the character or characters you wish to be used for the prompt and unless specified in the prompt, tell me what kind of relationship you wish for the reader and the character to have (siblings, friends, partners, etc.)

Please understand that I have the right to decline your request if it isn't something I feel inspired to write about or if it's something I'm uncomfortable writing about

And please remember to be kind and patient with me while I work on the requests. I am but one human who, much to my dismay, does not have constant time, inspiration, and motivation to write

Characters I write for:

AOS/TOS: Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Spock, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov

Disco: Michael Burnham, Saru, Sylvia Tilly, Ash Tyler, Christopher Pike, Spock, Paul Stamets (male reader only), Hugh Culber (male reader only)

DS9: Benjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax, Ezri Dax, Odo, Quark, Miles O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Garak, Worf

Enterprise: Jonathan Archer, Trip Tucker, Malcolm Reed, Phlox, Hoshi Sato, T'Pol, Travis Mayweather, Shran

Picard: Seven of Nine, Agnes Jurati, Raffi Musiker, Chris Rios, Elnor

- Strange New Worlds: Christopher Pike, Number One, Spock

TNG: Will Riker, Data, Geordi La Forge, Worf, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard, Q

Voyager: Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Harry Kim, Tom Paris, B'Elanna Torres, The Doctor/EMH, Tukov, Seven of Nine, Q

Topics I will not write for:

Detailed/graphic sex (I may be willing to write smut, depending on what the prompt is, though)

Unconsensual sex

Anything having to do with underage relationships

Sex with more than two people or polyamorous relationships

Abusive relationships (mental or physical) (though I can write something where the reader was previously in one, I just won't write about it directly)

Neurological disorders (I'm just not familiar with them enough to write them properly)

Certain mental illnesses: schizophrenia, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, dissociation disorders, addictions, and body dysmorphic disorders (again, I'm not familiar enough with these to properly write about them)

Death of a character (unless canon)


- Shouldn't even have to say this, but incest

- Anything with mirror characters

Anything that's too similar to an imagine I've already written

Topics I will write for:

Certain mental illnesses: depression, anxiety/panic disorders, PTSD, OCD, ADD/ADHD, and eating disorders

Pregnancy, birth, and parenthood

- Injuries

Being held hostage/torturing by captors

Anything romantic

Some intimacy (kissing, holding, touching, groping, and maybe NSFW stuff)

Sibling scenarios

TBH most topics that weren't listed in the previous section

If there's any characters or ships that aren't on my list, please ask. Also please feel free to ask me any questions regarding these guidelines. Always check my bio on my profile to see whether or not I am taking requests. I update it frequently.

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