AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - "Have you lost your damn mind?!"

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When Leonard answered the door to his quarters, he had clearly just rolled out of bed; his hair was a mess, his eyes were half asleep, and his clothes were wrinkles. "Y/N?" he asked, his voice heavy with sleep.

"Hey," you said as you let yourself in.

"Yeah, sure, come in," he mumbled as the door shut behind you.

"I couldn't sleep," you admitted, taking a seat on his bed.

Leonard rubbed his face. "So you came here? Y/N, I mean this in the nicest way possible, have you lost your damn mind?! I thought we wanted to keep our relationship private for a while. You coming to my quarters in the middle of the night is kind of an obvious sign that we're together."

You frowned and patted the spot next to you. "I know...I'm sorry."

He sighed, taking a seat. "It's fine, darlin'. Now, why couldn't you sleep?" He wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

You leaned your head against his shoulder. "I missed you. I kept thinking of that away mission you and I went on where we got to sleep next to each other for a few days. I wanted to feel that way again."

He huffed in soft laughter. "I miss that, too. But you can't just show up at my door whenever you're lonely, darlin'. Not if we want this relationship to be secret."

You lifted your head to look at him. "Do you want to keep it a secret, still?"

He shrugged slowly. "I don't know. Do you?"

"I don't know," you said. "Maybe not. I mean, it'd be nice to hold your hand in public and be seen together by the members of the crew. I know you're technically a senior officer and some might think it's inappropriate, but I don't really care anymore."

Leonard smiled and pecked your lips. "Okay. Starting tomorrow—well, technically today since it's three in the morning, we'll start to show the ship we're together. But, for now, what do you say we recreate that away mission and get some sleep?"

You lay down in his bed and smiled. "Only if you cuddle me."

He smirked, lying next to you. He wrapped his arm around your torso and kissed your cheek. "Deal."

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