TNG. Being Friends With Worf Would Include...

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Him always defending you and your honour, always ready to jump to your rescue if need be

With that being said, his overprotective and Klingon nature causes for some awkward times

Someone flirts with you excessively? Worf shouts at them for "being offensive"

You can't get the replicator to work? Worf orders Geordi to come and fix it

You hurt yourself? Oh you better hope Doctor Crusher can heal you before Worf finds out or else he'll be livid

You going to the holodeck with him and doing training programs. Mostly because he says you need to "better your defense and stamina in case you're ever not with him"

Him going super easy on you on the holodeck to make sure he doesn't hurt you

And oh boy, if he accidentally hurts you he'd beat himself up about it for a while until you prove to him you're okay

Him venting and ranting to you about whatever's bothering him and making him angry—you patiently waiting until he's calmed down to offer him advice

You learning more about Klingon culture and traditions so you can experience some of the events/holidays with him, or just talk to him about his heritage with ease

People often shipping the two of you because you're one of the only people he's that close to

You both denying any romantic or sexual tension and saying you're just good friends

Riker often teasing you two and trying to set you two up, but you'd just laugh and brush it off Worf would probably get all flustered and awkward, though, which would just make you laugh harder

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