Disco. Michael Burnham - She Saves Your Life

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You scanned the ruins before you, looking at the architecture of them in awe. You were a part of the away team sent down to a class M planet with archeological evidence of an old civilization that was long gone. The material was a rock structure unfamiliar to you, though it had similar properties to granite.

"Find anything that might tell us about the civilization?" Michael Burnham asked, approaching you. She was leading the away mission, and had personally asked for you to be assigned to it. She knew of your science skills and admired your intellect in such areas. She also enjoyed your company, but that definitely didn't influence her choice for who to bring to the planet. No, not at all. She wasn't biased towards you.

You glanced to her. "Well, whoever they were, they definitely knew how to construct sturdy and durable structures. They knew which materials were best for building with, clearly. This material here"—you touched the side of the wall you were studying—"it's like granite. It's strong enough to withstand weathering and abrasion.

Michael nodded. "I found a statue which looks like it could have been a place of worship. The facial features of the statue are worn, but we can still see some of them. Come look. They look pretty similar to us."

She brought you through the dirt roads of the village and to a large statue in the centre of a few buildings. The statue was at least ten feet fall, sitting on a raised square platform with three steps leading to it from each side. The statue was carved from an iron-rich material, the red contrasting the grey material of the buildings around it.

You craned your neck to take in the statue: bipedal, two arms, four fingers on each hand, head slightly larger than that of a human's, ears flat against the head, and a prominent brow ridge.

"Wow," you said.

"Isn't it incredible?" Michael asked.

You nodded. "I wonder what happened to the people who built it."

"There might have been some sort of disaster, though we haven't found any skeletal remains."

"Maybe some of them went underground during the disaster," you suggested.

"Maybe," she mused.

You scanned the surrounding buildings and noticed some markings above a doorway. You approached it, taking out your scanner. The markings all consisted of straight lines, no curves whatsoever.

"I wonder what it means," you said, mostly to yourself.

You pushed open what was left of the wooden door—most of it had rotted and eaten—and stepped inside. You turned your flashlight on and shone it around the room. The inside resembled a place of worship. There was an idle at the front of the room, and rows of benches in front of it.

You heard a creaking above you. Breath caught in your throat, you looked up. The wooden beams that held the ceiling up were starting to give.

"Y/N! Look out!" Michael yelled.

Next thing you knew, a hand was around your wrist and you were being yanked out of the building just as the ceiling collapsed where you had stood. You lost your balance and stumbled into Michael's body. She fell backwards, and you two both landed on the ground. You landed atop of her, and she grunted from the impact.

You took in a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You stared at Michael. "You just saved my life."

"Don't mention it," she replied quietly.

The two of you stayed lying there for a few moments, both looking into each other's eyes. You had your hands on either side of her head. Your heart was beating hard, and you wondered if she could feel it thumping against her chest.

"Are you hurt?" she asked finally.

You shook your head. "No, just a bit shaken. Are you?"

"I'm okay."

"Good. I'm... I'm sorry for landing on you."

"It's fine," she said with a small smile.

You smiled briefly, then cleared your throat and carefully stood up. You offered her your hand which she took gratefully.

"I guess they weren't that great at constructing buildings after all," you mused.

Michael smiled. "I think the door had helped keep the beamed up. When you opened it, the integrity of the beams finally gave out after all these years."

"Well, I'm glad I wasn't underneath them when they fell."

Michael touched your shoulder gently, giving you a warm smile. "Me too."

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