TNG. Will Riker - "If I die, I'm coming back to haunt you."

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Will helped you hobble to sickbay, swollen ankle throbbing with every step you took. You hissed in pain and glared at Will. "Can we go slower, please?"

"Sorry," he quickly said and slowed his pace. "How badly does it hurt?"

"Bad enough," you replied. "You know, if I die, I'm coming back to haunt you."

Will chuckled and rubbed your side. "I'm sure you won't die."

"Pity," you mused, "I was looking forward to haunting and scaring you."

He smirked and shook his head. The two of you reached sickbay and Will called out: "Doctor?"

Beverly Crusher appeared from her office, looked at you and frowned. "What happened?"

"I slipped in the shower."

You saw her gaze flick from your wet hair to Will's. Your cheeks heated up.

"Take a seat," Beverly said, gesturing to the biobed closest to you, and you were thankful she didn't make any comments about the nature of your injury.

Will helped you up onto the bed and Beverly started to scan your ankle. "It's just a sprain," she told you after a few moments. "I'll give you something for the swelling and the pain, but you'll have to rest it for the next few days."

You sighed, suspecting as much. "All right."

As she went to prepare the hypospray, Will kissed your temple. "I'm sorry this happened."

You shrugged and sighed. "It's fine. Not entirely your fault."

He smirked. "That's true. If you hadn't insisted on trying that new, complicated position—"

Beverly cleared her throat.

You felt your face burn and you looked at her. Will coughed awkwardly.

She came over and injected you with the medicine. "Remember, rest your ankle."

You nodded. "Thanks, Doc."

She gave you a nod before going to her office. "Oh, one more thing. You might want to bathe until your ankle gets better."

You were sure your cheeks were bright red by then. You nodded and averted your eyes while Will silently laughed beside you.

A/N: This is my 100th imagine written about Star Trek, and honestly until I started posting them on AO3 and on Wattpad, I didn't realize I had written so many. And I still have over 20 to post, still.

Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone who's been reading and supporting this book! It's gotten over 4k reads and 200 votes. I'm so in awe. Thank you everyone. xx

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