Voy. Being Harry Kim's Twin Would Include...

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You two being so close that you could practically read each other's minds

Him being so damn protective of you because you're the only family member he thinks he's ever going to see again

Him getting mad at Tom when he tries to flirt with you

You trying to hook Harry up with other members of the crew, resulting in him being all awkward and shy around them

You being forced to go to the holodeck to play Captain Proton with him and Tom; sometimes being Captain Proton's love interest which really irks Harry

You being so nervous when he goes on away missions without you, and vice versa Janeway starting to put you two on missions and teams together because of how worried you two get when you're apart

Harry always protecting you and ready to jump to your defense when need be

Having dinner with each other nearly every day. Sometimes in the messhall, but mostly in your quarters

Always encouraging him to practice the clarinet and going to every single recital he has

Him insisting you go to sickbay or take the day off at the slightest sign of an illness or injury: "Y/N, you should really see the doc about that. It could get infected." "Harry, we're on a spaceship. How could it get infected? There's no bacteria or anything." "It could happen..." "Besides, it's a damn papercut. I'm fine." "Please, just go get it checked out?" "Fine. If it'll make you stop worrying, I'll go once my shift ends." "Why not now? " ...Or I could go now."

Spending most of your off hours together

You being very close with Tom and B'Elanna

You and Harry comforting each other whenever the other needs it

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