AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Flirting in Sickbay

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"All right, Y/L/N, take a seat," Leonard instructed as he grabbed his tricorder. You were there for a check-up, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't a little excited to spend some time alone with Leonard McCoy—the man you had your eye on.

You sat on the bio-bed and said, "Call me Y/N."

He glanced to you, one eyebrow raised. He said nothing as he scanned you. "Have you been experiencing any discomfort anywhere? Any pain? Anything feeling not quite right?"

You shrugged. "I've had a headache a few times since the last check-up, but that's probably stress. Working hard and pining after a hot doctor takes a lot out of you."

"Uh huh." He scanned your head. "And when are these headaches most painful?"

"Usually after a long shift, or if I didn't get much sleep the night before," you answered.

Leonard nodded slowly and looked over his readings. "Well, nothing appears to be wrong with your brain, so that's a good sign. You're right, it could be work-related stress."

"What about the hot doctor?"

"I'm sorry?" he asked, and you sighed. He clearly hadn't registered what you'd said before.

"There's this incredibly hot doctor onboard that has been distracting me. I just can't stop thinking about him." You leaned closer. "Could that be causing the headache?"

He frowned. "It's possible, if you're not focussing correctly and then you're forced to redo. But, it's most likely stress. I'll let Jim know and he can do something about your schedule."

"Other than that, how do I look?"

"Your vitals are fine. Organs functioning well."

"But how do I look?"

"Fine... Like I said, the readings are fine."

"You don't want to check me out more?"

His brow furrowed. "No. I don't see anything to give a second thought to."

You met his gaze and smiled slightly. "I do."

Leonard looked at his readings again. "No, no, there's nothing on the scans. Is there something else bothering you?"

You shook your head. "No. It's the doctor. How do I stop thinking about him all the time? I can't focus."

He sighed. "Look, I'm not a counsellor or a love expert. Can't you ask your friends?"

"I don't want to ask them, I want to ask you."

"Well, considering my last relationship ended in a divorce which forced me to leave the entire planet, I wouldn't look to me for advice."

"Well she clearly wasn't right for you," you mused.

Leonard huffed. "Yeah, clearly."

"You need someone who understands you. Who knows the real you. Who wants to learn everything there is to know about you and more."

"If you find someone like that, send them my way."

"I'm already here."

It took him a moment to process what you meant. First, his brow was furrowed. Then, it relaxed and he looked at your face, searching for any sign that you were joking. Finally, he cracked a small smile. "You were playing towards this the whole time, weren't you?"

You grinned and shrugged. "Maybe."

He shook his head. "Did Jim put you up to this?"

"What? No. I genuinely like you. I'll prove it."


"Go on a date with me."

Leonard's eyebrow raised.

"Tomorrow. 1800 hours. My quarters."

He said nothing for a moment. Then, he dipped his head. "I'll see you at 1800."

You grinned and stood up. "See you then. I may see you earlier than that if my headache comes back."

The corner of his mouth twitched. "I'll look forward to it. Not—not you having a headache—seeing you—"

You laughed and made your way out of sickbay. "Bye Doc."

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now