TNG. Being Married to Jean-Luc Picard Would Include...

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Marriage probably wouldn't be much different than dating for the two of you. It probably would have taken a while for either of you to propose; always being busy with work and wanting to make sure the relationship was serious enough before taking that step.

Your wedding would have been back on Earth near his hometown. It would have been a small wedding—just your closest friends and your family there. Your honeymoon would have been on Earth as well since you two don't get to spend much time there.

Your shared quarters on the Enterprise would be filled with souvenirs from the many planets you've visited as well as pictured of the two of you, and Jean-Luc would keep a framed picture of the two of you from your wedding day on his desk.

Since he is the captain, you would rarely have any PDA unless it was a special occasion or you were both on shore leave. It would have always been like that, though, so you'd be used to it.

While he wouldn't show physical affection often, he would show he loved you in many other ways. He would check in on you often when you were on an away mission and he would check in on you at your station during the day to see how you were doing.

Days or nights when the two of you were both not on duty would be a blessing. You'd spend it in your quarters sometimes, just enjoying each other's company. You'd also go to the holodeck together and then go to Ten Forward for a drink afterwards.

You'd go to him for any advice you needed or wanted, and he would often ask for your opinion on certain decisions he had to make or on who to send for missions. He would deeply value your expertise and intelligence, making your opinions that much more valuable to him.

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