Ent. Jonathan Archer - Pillow Fights

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When Jon entered your shared quarters, you instantly knew he was upset and/or stressed. The way his shoulders hunched and his eyes looked at his feet gave it away. He didn't even look up at you when you greeted him. He simply grunted, nodded, then went to the dresser to change.

"Long day?" you asked, sitting on the side of the bed closest to him.

"Very," he replied simply.

"You want to talk about it?" you inquired, knowing he'd most likely say no.

Like you'd suspected, Jon shook his head and unzippered his jacket. "No, I'll be fine. Just a lot happened with the new species we encountered down on the planet, and they expect me to solve all of their issues and crises."

You frowned. "That's not fair to you. It's their problems."

"I know," he sighed. "But, as the captain of this ship it's my duty to help those who require our services."

"I guess." You watched him as he changed into a loose white t-shirt. "Anything I can do to help?"

Jon glanced at you, a slight smile on his face. "Distract me?"

"I can do that." You smirked, thinking to yourself of ways to distract him from his worries. While he turned away to fish around in the drawers for a pair of sweatpants, you quietly grabbed a pillow from the bed and swung it to his back. Jon let out a surprised gasp, then looked over his shoulder at you quickly. You laughed at his confused expression. "You said you wanted a distraction."

A mischievous smile formed on his face and he abandoned his search for new pants, going to the top of the bed in just a shirt and boxers. He grabbed one of the other pillows and took a ready stance. "Bring it."

You hopped off the bed, gripping your pillow in both hands. You crept closer to him, careful not to expose yourself to any sudden attack from him. You tried to hit his side, but he blocked it with his pillow.

"Nice try, Y/N," Jon drawled.

"Oh, I'm just getting started." You took another swing, this time grazing his elbow.

Jon faked a gasp. "You hit me! You can't hit your captain."

"I just did." You smiled, shrugging.

"I could have you court martialed for this," he said teasingly. As you laughed at his comment, Jon took the opportunity to smack the side of your head with the pillow—not too hard, though hard enough to stun you for a moment.

You stared at him.

Jon chuckled. "Sorry, babe. You let your defenses down."

You playfully glared at him. "You'll pay for that."

"Oh yeah?" he taunted, raising the pillow to chest height. He was getting ready to swing again.

"Yeah." You hit his now exposed stomach, earning a grunt from him.

"That wasn't fair," Jon groaned, lowering his pillow to protect his stomach from any further attacks.

"Sorry, babe. You let your defenses down," you mocked with a grin.

Jon snorted back a laugh. "I don't sound like that."

"Pretty sure you do," you countered.

"Uh huh."

Porthos woke from his nap due to the noise. He stood on his bed and barked at the two of you.

You looked over to him, smiling. "What? You want to join?"

He barked again, making you smile wider.

Next thing you knew, Jon's pillow hit your side with so much force it caused you to fall against the bed. You squeaked in surprise, catching yourself on the mattress.

"Shit, you okay?" Jon asked, becoming suddenly worried. He dropped his pillow and went to your side.

"M'fine," you mumbled, pushing yourself into a standing position once more.

Jon touched your elbow gently. "You sure?"

You nodded slowly, then hit Jon's shoulder with the pillow.

He laughed. "Hey! That's not fair. I was unprepared."

"Always be prepared," you told him.

"Excuse me for making sure you're all right," he said, feigning hurt. "Last time I do that."

You rolled your eyes. "Oops."

Jon picked his pillow up and shook his head with a smile on his lips. "Oh, it's so on."

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now