Disco. Saru - Homesick

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When Saru never showed up to the mess-hall for dinner, you got worried. You two didn't have plans, but you almost always saw him there if he didn't have a shift and you'd eat together if neither of you had work to complete. He never skipped meals unless he was working on a huge project—which he wasn't.

So, you went to his quarters to check on him.

When he opened the door, you instantly asked, "Are you okay?"

Saru blinked, looking a little surprised. He dipped his head slightly. "Hello Y/N. Please come in."

You stepped inside and looked around, always in awe of the plants that took over his room. "You didn't answer my question."

"May I ask why you are concerned with my well-being? Not that I don't appreciate it."

"You weren't at dinner tonight," you replied, looking him over closely. He eyes were heavy and his shoulders were slightly slumped. "I got worried."

Saru nodded and gestured to his bed for you two to sit. When you did, he said, "I ate early so I could turn in early."

"You look tired," you commented, not unkindly. "Are you feeling okay? Did you not get a good night's sleep?"

"I admit that I did not sleep as much as I would have liked."

"Why?" you asked gently.

Saru met your worried gaze. "I have been feeling... homesick, as you call it."

"Oh, Saru, I'm sorry." You put your hand onto his. "I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to be so far from home and not be around any of your own species."

"It is unsettling at times," he admitted. "It was recently the anniversary of when I left my home. I suspect that is the cause of my sudden bout of homesickness."

"I'm so sorry," you said, not sure of how else to convey your sympathy for his situation. You gave his hand a squeeze. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not. But thank you for the offer, I do appreciate it."

You nodded. "Of course, Saru. If you think of anything, please let me know."

"I will," he said with a small smile. "Thank you."

You shifted closer, close enough that your shoulders were now touching. "I know it isn't the same, but at least you have all of these plants from your home."

"It is comforting. I sometimes lie here and just stare at them, imagining I'm back home."

"Do you want to do that now? I could lie with you if you'd like," you offered.

"That would be wonderful," he said gratefully.

You smiled and the two of you lay down on his bed. He was on his back with his arm around your shoulders. You were on your side, head on his chest and arm on his torso loosely. You heard his heartbeat, a steady thrum against your ear. It was slowing and becoming more regular which told you that he was beginning to relax.

"Y/N," he said after a few minutes of you two silently admiring the foliage.


"Having to leave my home was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and the hardest thing I've had to live with. I never knew if I would feel like I belonged again. I never knew if I would find people who cared for me again."


"But then I joined Starfleet," he continued. "Everyone here welcomed me with open arms, not caring that I was a prey species or an outsider. And then I met you and everyone else here on Discovery. The crew of the Shenzhou were kind, and they were pleasant to me. But I never made strong connections with many of them. Here... I feel surrounded by love. Especially from you."

You smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I'm really happy you found us, Saru. Discovery wouldn't be the same without you. I wouldn't be the same without you."

He tilted his head, looking down at you with affection glimmering in his eyes. "I may have had to leave my homeworld, but I found a new home and a new family here with you."

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