DS9. Garak - Pregnant

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A/N: My exams are finished and I am now on break until January, so requests are open again and I will be writing regularly over the next few weeks. This was requested by DoctorWho_42. Enjoy!

You sat on the biobed, swinging your legs as you impatiently waited for Julian to finish his examination of you. You had been experiencing severe nausea over the past few days as well as dizziness, shortness of breath, and blurred vision. Garak, being the very caring and somewhat overprotective husband that he was, insisted you go to see Julian even though you assured him it was just a flu and all that Julian could do would be tell you to rest.

"Well?" Garak asked, standing beside you with his hand on your knee for support. "What's wrong with her? How bad is it?"

Julian read over his scans, brow furrowed slightly. "Remarkable."

"What is?" you asked.

"I never thought it would be possible," he muttered, still staring at the readings on his scanner. "Though I suppose anything is possible if you try hard enough..."

"Doctor," Garak said, "while I do enjoy your rambles during our lunches, Y/N and I would very much appreciate some answers as to why she's been so ill."

Julian quickly looked up. "Yes, sorry, of course. Well, I have good news and I have some not so good news."

You frowned and took Garak's hand. "Tell us the bad news first."

"Well, the bad news is that in about seven months, Garak and I won't be able to have our lunches very often."

Garak tilted his head slightly. "I don't understand. Why's that?"

"Am I dying and only have seven months to live?" you asked nervously.

"What?" Julian asked, a smile on his face. "If the bad news is the lunches, how would the good news be you dying?"

"I don't know, I'm just nervous," you admitted.

Garak gave your hand a squeeze.

Julian turned the screen of the tricorder towards you two. "You're pregnant."

Your heart lodged in your throat. "I'm... pregnant?"

With a quick nod, Julian said, "Roughly eight weeks along. And as far as I can tell, he or she is very healthy."

"Oh my god," you whispered.

"You're pregnant," Garak said quietly.

"How..." You trailed off and stared at the readings, not that you really understood them.

"I assume you know how this happened," Julian teased.

"Y/N means how were our genes able to mix?" Garak asked.

"The odds certainly were slim, but you beat the odds," Julian said excitedly. "Congratulations you two. I think you'll make wonderful parents."

You put a hand down over your uterus. "I'm pregnant..."

"I'll give you two some privacy," Julian said before leaving the two of you alone.

Garak moved to stand in front of you. "Y/N..."

You met his gaze and instantly thought the worst. "You don't want to be a father, do you?"

"I do. I'll admit that I always feared being a father, but not because I didn't want to but because..." He shook his head slowly. "I never wanted to end up like my own father."

You put your free hand onto his cheek. "Garak, you're not your father. You're kind, and trustworthy, and compassionate, and you know what's right and wrong, and you're not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Our baby is so lucky to have you as their dad."

Garak smiled and took your hand. "After you and I got married, the fear of having a child started to dissipate. With you, I... I think I can do it. I will do everything I can do be a good father."

"I know you will. I love you."

"I love you as well." He kissed your forehead. He then bent down so he was at eye-level with your torso. "And I love you. Your mother and I can't wait to meet you."

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