Ent. Trip Tucker - Restless Nights

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A/N: On my main tumblr (gardenofstories) I'm now writing imagines for Star Wars, Bones, The 100, and The Umbrella Academy. If any of you like those, please check out my tumblr and send in requests!

You were awoken by your boyfriend tossing and turning next to you in bed. You heard him sigh heavily and you turned yourself to face him.

"Trip?" you asked quietly.

"Did I wake ya?" he asked, voice tired.

"It's fine. Are you okay?"

Trip propped his head up with his elbow on the pillows. He smiled softly as he admired you in the dim lighting. "Just can't sleep."

"How come?" you asked, propping yourself up as well so your faces were at the same level.

Trip gave you a shrug. "Guess I'm just busy overthinkin' all the minor problems on the ship. There's so many repairs and upgrades that the Cap'n wants to get done as soon as possible, but I'm not sure how we're gonna complete 'em all without everyone workin' twenty-four-seven."

"You'll find a way. You always do," you assure him, and you reached over to gently touch his hand under the blankets. You leaned closer and pressed your lips against his softly. "And I'm sure Captain Archer will understand if it takes longer than he's expecting. Better that it's done right than done quickly and sloppy, right?"

He smiled. "I s'pose you're right. There's just so much to get done..."

"And you can't do anything about it now, can you?" you said. "You need to sleep, babe. You're no use to the ship if you're sleep-deprived."

He nodded and sighed again. "S'not like I'm tryin' to stay awake."

You smiled and lay on your back with your arms open. "Come here."

With a loving smile, Trip lay down with his head on your chest. You wrapped one arm around his torso and put the other around his shoulders with your hand on his head. You gently worked your fingers through his hair, fingertips grazing his scalp. You heard him sigh and felt him nestle into you even more. You began to hum a lullaby from your childhood very softly. You looked down at him and saw the muscles on his face start to relax. With a smile, you continued to run your fingers through his hair and massage his head.

Within a few minutes, Trip was sound asleep in your arms. His soft snores filled the air, the sound making you smile fondly.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now