Disco. Gabriel Lorca - "Did I stutter?"

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A/N: This was requested and written before Lorca's true identity was revealed.

"Is everything okay?" you asked Gabriel, concerned of his sudden mood change. One moment, the two of you were kissing in his bed, the next he was tense and pulled away from you.

"Y/N," Gabriel said slowly, almost hesitantly. He frowned and got out of his bed, running his hand through his hair.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No," he replied, almost too quickly. "Not really. I've just... haven't felt like this in a while, and I'm not sure what to do about it."

You stood and went over to him. "Felt like what? What's going on?"

Gabriel looked at you, expression unreadable. Then, he sighed and said: "I think—no, I know that I love you."

Your mouth parted slightly. Of all the things you had thought he would say, that was not one of them. Gabriel was so ... rigid, always behind a wall he'd built. Sure, he'd softened up around you over the past few months, but still ... "You do?"

"Did I stutter?"

You smiled and took his hands in yours, only then realizing how tense they had become. But, they relaxed when your fingers intertwined with his. "No. I suppose you didn't."


Your smile grew. "Well what?"

Gabriel gave you a look and you laughed softly. "I love you, too, Gabe."

A faint smile played on his lips. He then looked to your lips, and you knew you two wouldn't be out of the bed much longer.

"You know, I feel very honoured," you mused as he pulled you closer to him.


You nodded, tilting your head back when his lips made their way to your neck. "I somehow managed to melt the ice surrounding Gabriel Lorca's heart."

His breathy laugh fanned your neck. "Yeah, well, don't tell anyone. I do have a reputation to maintain."

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