Ent. Being Friends With Trip Tucker Would Include...

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You being an engineer and always working together on projects or assignments. He'd also recommend you to the captain for assignments or away missions frequently, which really showed his confidence and trust in you

Him always offering to help you with your work when you struggle with a task; you declining; him persisting; you giving into his puppy eyes because who can resist those?

The two of you going to move nights together, sharing popcorn and making jokes the entire time which'll make others shush you

Him being pretty protective over you because he doesn't want anything to happen to the people he cares about. He'd always be asking how you were and if there was anything you wanted to talk about. If someone upset you, he'd go straight to them and sort it all out

Whenever either of you are on a mission without the other, you'd be very nervous the entire time and constantly ask the bridge for updates

You going to him when you're having a rough day; him cheering you up with goofy anecdotes from his childhood or with silly jokes and stories he makes up

You scolding him when he gets injured and forcing him to do to sickbay even if it's just a stubbed toe

Him trying to set you up with other members of the crew and always ends up embarrassing you

You getting revenge by telling random female crew members that he likes them and wants to have dinner with them, and because he's such a gentleman he would go to the dinners and make small talk with the women

You helping him through the Zindi attack, always being there to comfort him whenever he needs it

Him not being sentimental very often but when he is, it's extreme: "Y/N, y'know you're one of my best friends. You always know when I'm feelin' blue, and y'always know how to cheer me up. I can come to ya for a laugh no matter what the time or mood. And you're one of the only people I trust with my life. Thank you for stickin' by me."

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