TNG. Will Riker - Confessions

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A/N: @ravennya requested this. Sorry I haven't updated this in a little bit. My family and I were travelling home from our vacation and then celebrating a late Christmas. And I've been having some not so great mental health days, but I'm feeling better and have some time before my semester starts next week. So I'll hopefully have a few more things written and posted within the next week. Anyway, I'm rambling. Enjoy the imagine. xx

"Shuttle One to Enterprise, we've taken heavy damage from the nebula. Commander Riker was hit with an energy beam and is unconscious. We are on our way back to you now, but our warpcoil was damaged so we only have impulse engines."

"Understood. We will increase our speed and rendezvous with you within the hour," Picard said, the message a little distorted from Enterprise being at such a far distance away from you. "We will be there as soon as we can. Picard out."

You and Riker had been sent to study a nebula while Enterprise attended a conference on a planet a few lightyears away. The nebula had contained an element that had reacted to the warp exhaust and had ignited after the shuttle had been inside for some time.

You looked back at Riker who was lying down on the small bench in the back.

"Computer, is auto-pilot still active?"

"Affirmative," the computer responded.

"Good. Initiate auto-pilot to the inputted coordinates. Maintain full impulse."


You quickly went back to Riker and picked up the medical tricorder you had left near him. After scanning him and seeing no change in his vitals, you sighed. At least he wasn't getting any worse, though he wasn't getting any better. You had given him pain medication (not that he needed it while asleep, but you wanted him to be comfortable should be awaken) and you also gave him medicine to help stabilize his vitals. They were stable, but weak. You prayed he'd hang on long enough to get to Doctor Crusher.

"Enterprise is on its way. We'll be there soon and Doctor Crusher will heal you. You have to pull through," you said, knowing he wouldn't answer you. "Everyone on the Enterprise needs you. I need you." You sat down on the ground beside him and frowned. "Please hang on. Will, can I call you Will? Not that you're in any position to decline, but... Will, I don't know what I'd do if you didn't make it—" Your voice cracked. You bit down onto your bottom lip and looked at him.

Will looked so pale, so fragile. Like an old china teacup that could break with the faintest touch upon it.

Reaching out your hand, you hesitantly laid it onto his chest. For a brief moment, you retracted your hand, scared of hurting him. When the readings did not change on the tricorder and he didn't show any signs of discomfort, you put your hand back, comforted from the feeling of his chest rising and falling beneath it.

"Please, Will. Just hang on. I can't lose you... I... I love you."

That was the first time you had ever said it aloud and you feared that it might be the only time you'd be able to tell him.


You sat in the bio-bed across from Will's and watched his vitals. Both of you had made it back to Enterprise and Doctor Crusher had started treating Will right away. She had told you that the energy beam had caused cell and nerve damage where it struck, and had sent his organs into shock, resulting in the low vitals signs. But, she had assured you that all of the damage was treatable and that Will would be just fine. Your knees had nearly given out with relief when she'd told you that.

Will's head shifted slightly, and he made a soft grunt.

"Commander?" you asked instantly, standing to be in front of his bed.

Will's eyes slowly opened, and they stared at you with confusion.

"It's okay," you told him, "you're in sickbay."

"What happened?" he asked, voice a little hoarse.

"Our engines ignited a gaseous element in the nebula that the sensors hadn't detected. You were struck with an energy beam and your body went into shock. You're okay, though. Doctor Crusher repaired all of the nerve damage and she says you'll make a full recovery after a few days of resting."

Will nodded slightly. "And you? Are you all right?"

You nodded, touched by his concern. "I'm fine, Commander."

"What happened to calling me Will?" he asked, smiling slightly when your eyes widened.

"You... you could hear me?"

"Not entirely," he admitted. "I heard bits and pieces. Based on your reaction, I guess I wasn't imagining it?"

You bit your lip nervously. "That depends on what you heard..."

He shifted and propped himself up onto his elbows. "I heard you saying my name. I heard you say that you loved me."

All colour drained from your face and you felt your heart lodge in your throat. You quickly averted your eyes. "I... I'm sorry," you managed to say.

"Sorry?" he asked.

"I didn't know you could hear me," you rushed out. "It was inappropriate of me to say that. I should have kept my mouth shut, even if I thought you couldn't hear me. I'm sorry. I understand if you don't want me to accompany you on missions anymore."


"If we could just forget that I ever said anything, that would make things a lot easier."

"Y/N," he said, sternly but gently.

You clamped your mouth shut, preparing yourself for rejection. You forced yourself to look at him. You were expecting to see disgust, or pity, but all you saw was happiness. Happiness? Why...

"I love you, too."

"You... you do?" you asked, heart thrumming against your ribs.

Will nodded. "I've admired you for a long time. I've admired a lot of things about you. The way you never hesitate to help others, the way you're so passionate about your work and you work so damn hard, the way you're so kind even if someone is getting on your nerves. You have such a pure heart, Y/N. And whenever I'm near you, I just get filled with joy."

"Will, I..." You didn't know what to say. Never in a million years did you expect him to say anything remotely similar to what he just uttered. A wide smile broke out on your face, but you still couldn't speak. You were too overwhelmed and full of happiness.

You didn't have to say anything, though. Will could tell by the look in your eyes that you felt the same way about him.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

You nodded and you sat next to him. You two leaned into each other, Will sliding an arm around your waist. You put a hand onto his chest as your lips connected. Your lips moved against each other's in perfect unison like they were made for each other.

Feelings of passion and lust erupted through you, making your mind feel as though it were floating through a cloud.

When the kiss ended, you were in a daze. A daze you never wanted to end.

"I cannot wait to kiss you more often," Will murmured, lips nearly on yours still.

You huffed out a laugh. "Me neither."

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