Voy. Being Friends With Tom and Harry Would Include...

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Going on crazy holodeck adventures with the two of them, including Captain Proton

Comforting Tom when he and B'Elanna fight

Always setting Harry up on dates with other crewmen, then teasing him about it afterwards

Both of them getting worried when you go on a potentially dangerous mission, and asking you to call in as much as

When eating with them, always joking around and laughing loudly, causing others to look at the three of you strangely

Helping Tom make adjustments to the Delta Flyer and going on test flights with him

Encouraging Harry to practice his clarinet and sometimes even mocking his mother by saying, "Practice, Harry, practice."

Always going to the recitals Harry and the other musicians put on; clapping and cheering the loudest which makes Harry blush

Always lecturing Harry and Tom when they enter sickbay with small injuries

"Tell me again, how did you get that black eye?"

"Um, you see, Harry and I were on the holodeck playing Captain Proton with the safety protocols off..."

"Oh my god, you guys are so stupid sometimes."

Going to them for comfort and advice whenever you need it, and knowing that they will always have your back and you will always have theirs

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