Ent. Phlox - You Hide An Injury From Him

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You winced in pain as you put pressure onto your swollen ankle. You knew you should go to sickbay, but Phlox would just lecture you and tell you how what you did was dangerous and irrational. Of course you knew that when you decided to climb up the jefferies tubes with an armload of supplies. But, you wanted to get the malfunctioning panel fixed before Trip and the captain got back from the away mission.

"Ah, Y/N!" Phlox's voice echoed down the corridor. "I've been looking for you."

You stifled a groan and swallowed hard, making sure to stand with your weight distributed evenly on your feet, even though it made your ankle scream in agony. "Hey," you said as you turned to him. "Something I can help you with?"

"Don't tell me you forgot," he said lightly.

You frowned and thought. Then, you sighed, shutting your eyes. "Crap. We were going to have lunch together. Gosh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I was fixing some circuits in the Jeffries tube and it took longer than expected."

"No worries," Phlox said, "We can go now, if you'd like. I saved room for dessert."

You forced out a smile as Phlox started to lead you down the hall. "I would love to, but I... I should really finish my report for when Trip gets back."

"I'm sure it can wait."

You were going to respond when a sharp pain shot up your leg. You gasped, stumbling against Phlox who managed to catch you.

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

You grit your teeth. "Nothing. Just um, dizzy. Guess I'm hungry."

He frowned, unconvinced, and briefly looked you over. "Y/N," he said sternly, "Your ankle is extremely swollen."

"Dammit. You can tell?"

"I am a doctor," he stated. "And your pant leg is pulled up, I can see the redness and the swelling. What happened?"

"It's nothing. Just a twist. I'll be fine," you insisted, but Phlox wasn't having it.

"Y/N, you need to come to sickbay. It's probably sprained, and will only get worse without treatment."

You sighed heavily. "But—"

"No buts," he said, wrapping an arm around you to support your weight. "And no complaints. We're going to go to sickbay, heal your ankle, and then go get some lunch, all right?"

You leaned against him and nodded slightly.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now