Ent. Dating T'Pol Would Include...

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The two of you would have been friends for a while before you started dating, and even becoming her friend would have taken some time. It would have started with T'Pol appreciating your skills and knowledge, finding your intelligence compelling and admirable. You'd find her ignorant at first—she'd be one of the first Vulcans you'd ever met, after all, so you weren't completely aware of their behaviours and cultural differences. She would then request your assistance for assignments, projects, and missions and the two of you would sometimes butt heads but you'd both learn how to work together efficiently.

You would begin to enjoy her company, finding her Vulcan-nature to be a nice change from some of the emotional humans on board. Though she wasn't sure why, T'Pol would find herself drawn to you and would start to like spending time with you off-duty. You would start having meals together, sit together at movie night when Trip forced you both to go, and visit each other's quarters on occasion just to talk.

She doesn't open up to many people, so you would be her go-to person when she needed someone to talk to and get advice from. Even before you started dating, she would request your help in solving personal problems that she could not solve on her own. After some time, you'd be able to tell when something was bothering her without her saying it, even if she claimed she wasn't expressing any emotion to indicate what she was thinking. She'd appreciate your insights, though, and would be grateful for you being so attentive to her and realizing when she needed help.

In the event of you receiving advice from her, T'Pol would give you logical and truthful responses, even if they weren't always the kindest. It would be tough love. She'd want to help you and sometimes what logic dictates isn't always comforting nor is it what everyone wants to hear. Her logical advice might upset you or annoy you at first, but you would grow accustomed to it and T'Pol would learn when to not give tough love-like logic.

T'Pol would guide you through some simple mental techniques and meditations to help with a variety of things like anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. It would sometimes be an intimate session of the two of you sitting very close with her breath fanning your skin as she talked you through the meditation. Other times, it would just be her talking to you in a calming tone to help you calm your mind.

On rare occasions, T'Pol's emotions and her emotional state would become compromised by you. This would mostly only occur if you were in danger and she couldn't help you or didn't know how to help you. She'd do her best to control herself, but when the person she loves is in danger there's no telling how she'll react.

T'Pol would not be a fan of PDA at all. She'd want to keep your relationship as private as possible, which would mean that many members of the crew wouldn't even know you two were dating for months. You'd respect her wishes, of course, and only tell your closest friends after T'Pol gave you her permission. You'd understand that Vulcans are much more reserved about their personal lives than some humans, so you'd do everything you could to make her feel comfortable.

Your date nights would usually be eating in the mess-hall together while you talked about your days and discussed any interesting details from the most recent studies done on board. Then, the two of you would go back to her quarters, since you would probably have a roommate, and you would spend the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company. You'd lie in bed together and read, or you'd hold each other gently either in silence or while talking, or sometimes the two of you would become intimate and spend the evening pleasuring one another. If you were intimate with T'Pol, it would often be very gentle and loving (unless she was going through Pon Farr, in which case you'd be in for a long night or day). 

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