Voy. Being Shy Around The Doctor Would Include...

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Him trying to initiate conversation with you all the time. And, knowing the doctor, it'd be him rambling about himself and/or his job

You listening closely to what he says, though not really saying much back. Instead, it'd be you smiling politely and nodding to encourage him to continue

Him inviting you to visit the holodeck with him and, after declining him several times (due to being nervous), you finally give in and meet him in the holodeck after your shift

Him creating a special program the two of you; a quiet forest or beach where it'd just be the two of you

Him trying to encourage you to talk to him more, asking you questions about your life and yourself to try and get to know you better

You giving him short answers at first, but after a while you'd open up and tell him some more details

Going to the holodeck with him at least once a week where you'd go to your quiet program and just talk with one another

Tom asking the doctor about you all the time; prying answers out of you. Him teasing the doctor about how he has an obvious crush on you which the doctor would brush off, though it's totally true

Tom asking you about it one day when you visit sickbay, resulting in you getting very flustered and embarrassed.

The doctor defending you and shooing Tom away: "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Ignore him, he's just being immature."

"No, it's okay, Doc. Just um. . .I'm not really used to people asking me stuff like that."

"That's understandable. Just know that you shouldn't listen to what he says—"

"Oh. So you don't like me that way?"

"What? No! I-I mean I do, but um I know you probably don't like me that way."

"I do..."

"You do? Well...then, why don't we go to the holodeck after your shift today? I'll bring a picnic. It can be our first official date."

"I would really like that."

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