AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Shore Leave

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You lay with your head on Leonard's shoulder, his arm wrapped around your shoulders loosely. The two of you lay on a large sleeping bag underneath the stars in a camp ground in a rural area near your hometown. The two of you managed to take some shore leave time together and decided on visiting Earth and just being present on the ground, instead of flying at warp speed through the stars with computers dictating your lives.

It was quiet at the camp ground. Not many people were there, and no one was near where you two set up camp.

"The stars are beautiful from down here," you commented.

Leonard nodded, glancing at you. "Sometimes I think they look prettier down here than up there."

You smiled softly and gave him a nod. "It makes me feel small, you know? Lying underneath all those stars, knowing that the whole universe is so vast and full of life."

"I know what you mean," he replied. "Crazy to think that we've been to so many of those little specks of light."

You scanned the sky, then pointed. "I think that's Vulcan."

Leonard squinted. "How can you tell? Does it have pointy ears?"

You laughed. "Yeah, that's it. Not the fact that I studied stellar cartography at the academy."

Leonard's chest rumbled with laughter, the vibrations hitting your side. "Y'know, as exciting as it is on the Enterprise, I love just being here with you. Not having to worry about if we're going to run into a hostile ship, or go through an ion storm. It's just... peaceful."

You kissed his cheek softly. "I'm glad that out of a whole universe of people, you chose me to spend your life with."

"That's because you're the best person in the universe, Y/N." He smiled, then kissed your lips gingerly.

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