AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - You're Badly Injured

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When you beamed aboard the Enterprise with Spock, the first thing you saw was Leonard's worried eyes fixated on you. You were leaning on Spock, trying to remain conscious as the wound on your abdomen bled.

Two nurses were with you in an instant. Momentarily, Leonard was stunned. He stared at you, at your weak frame, your drooping eyes, your sweaty skin, and your bleeding wound. Then, he seemed to harden. "Get them to sickbay, now!"

The nurses held you close to them, each with their arms around you. One murmured reassuring words to you as they brought you down to sickbay. Leonard had stuck around with Spock for a few moments, asking him a few anxiety-filled questions about what had happened. Spock retold the incident with such clarity, it made Bones scowl, muttering something about his dammed Vulcan memory.

He then ran down the hall to catch up to you and the nurses.

Once in sickbay, you were laid down on a bed and moaned in pain.

"Dammit, Y/N," Leonard grumbled as he scanned you. "I told you not to go down there. I told you it was too dangerous. I told you you'd get hurt."

You raised your hand slowly to put it on his forearm gently. He looked at you instantly and you forced out a small smile. "You also said you'd kill me if I got hurt."

He grunted. "Yeah, well, I changed my mind."

The nurses started to gather medicine as Leonard told them the results of the scans. He forced himself to give you a smile. "It's your lucky day, Y/N. I've decided to save your life."

Weakly, you let out a breathy laugh. "There's no one else I'd trust my life in."

A muscle in his jaw jumped. "You lost a lot of blood, Y/N. But we'll fix you up, okay? I promise."

"Len," you started, pausing when he gave you an injection. "If something happens..."

"No," he snapped, startling the nearest nurse. "No. I'm not going to let you die."

You started to feel the mixture of blood loss and the medicine take over. Your mind was growing fuzzy and your vision blurred. "I love you, Len."

You felt his soft lips press themselves against your forehead. He kept them there for a few moments, then whispered, "I love you too, Y/N. You're going to be okay."

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