AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Mismatched Uniforms

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You got to your science station while adjusting your uniform around your neck. It seemed quite big today, and you couldn't figure out why. Whatever the reason, it was very baggy and looked a bit funny.

"Lieutenant," your co-worker and friend said, approaching you. "You look... dishevelled."

"Forgot to tell the computer to wake me," you admitted, glancing in their direction. "I was scrambling to get ready this morning."

They nodded and regarded you slowly. "Have you lost weight?"

With a slight shrug you said, "I don't know. I guess? I mean, I have been forgetting to eat breakfast some days, so maybe that's it."

"Huh. Well, you might want to get the tailor to do something about your uniform." They smiled cheekily. "Wouldn't want to get lost in all that fabric, would you?"

You smirked. "Yeah, yeah. I'll get them to take a look at it after my shift."


Bones tugged at the sleeves of his uniform for about the tenth time since he stepped into sickbay. They just wouldn't go all the way down to his wrists today, and it was irritating him. To make matters worse, the collar of his uniform was too snug and was very uncomfortable for him when sitting. Bones groaned, yanking the collar away from his irritated neck.

"Everything okay, Doctor?" his nurse asked, frowning as she watched him struggle with his clothing.

Bones looked at her. "I must be crazy, because my uniform is bugging the shit out of me today. First, the collar was too tight, then I realized the sleeves are too short."

"Maybe it shrunk when you washed it," the nurse suggested.

Bones grunted. "Hn. Maybe. Never happened before, though."

The nurse shook her head. "I don't know, Doctor. Do you have another one you could change into?"

"No, they're all being washed. Besides, I can't leave sickbay just because my clothes are uncomfortable." Bones rubbed his face and sighed. "I'll be fine. Get back to those readings."

She nodded politely. "Yes, Doctor."

Bones pulled his shirt down, noticing it was riding up at the waist. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Great, not only am I practically wearing a three-quarter sleeved shirt, but apparently I'm wearing a crop-top too."


You walked into your quarters and nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw Bones sitting on the couch. "Jesus."

Bones looked up and smiled. "No, just me."

You rolled your eyes and went to him. "What're you doing here, Len?"

He held up a blue uniform, and you then realized he was wearing a casual t-shirt he had left in your quarters. "I believe this is yours."

You frowned and sat down. "What?"

"Apparently, we switched up our uniforms this morning and everybody noticed but us."

You stared at him. "You're joking."

He shook his head. "Wish I was, darling. This damn shirt was too tight all day. Had to keep pulling the sleeves and hem down so they wouldn't ride up too much. And you... you kind of look like you're wearing a dress, love."

You laughed lightly. "Aw man."


"I thought I lost weight," you said with a small smile.

Bones chuckled. "'Fraid not. Well, I mean, you could have, but that's not the reason the uniform was so big."

"Oh well. At least I didn't have to see the captain or first officer today. That would've been embarrassing."

"Jim came by to sickbay and said I was getting fat." Bones smirked. "So I told him I'd relieve him of duty for being, too ill to be in command."

You laughed. "Poor Jim."

Bones huffed. "Not poor Jim, he called me fat!"

You patted his stomach and leaned back against the couch. "I think you're the perfect size."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere."

"Oh no? I'm all ready in your shirt. That's halfway to being in your pants."

Bones laughed loudly and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

You grinned. "Y'know, I'll say this: wearing your uniform all day was the comfiest I've been in ages."

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