Ent. Malcolm Reed - "Can I kiss you?"

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You entered sickbay with a worried expression. When your eyes landed on Malcolm, you let out a shaky sigh. You'd heard he had gotten hurt on the away mission, though no one would tell you exactly what had happened.

Phlox looked up from his scans, a faint smile forming on his face. "Ah, Y/N. Good timing."

"Oh?" You made your way to the biobed. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"On the contrary," Phlox said, picking up a hypospray. "I'm just about to wake him. All the wounds are healed, though he'll need to take two days to rest and regain his strength. I assume I can count on you to keep him occupied during that time."

You managed a smile. "Yeah, I'll make sure he stays in his quarters."

Phlox smiled as he injected the medicine into Malcolm's neck. "I'll leave you two alone."

"Thanks, Doc." You sat on the edge of the bed and took Malcolm's hand in yours, waiting for the medicine to take effect. Malcolm's eyes started to twitch under his eyelids, and he took in a deep breath. When his eyes opened, his brow furrowed. He then spotted you and smiled faintly.

"Y/N," he murmured, voice hoarse.

"Hey," you whispered, brushing hair off his forehead. "How do you feel?"

"A bit tired," he admitted. "But better than I did."

"Can I kiss you?" you asked softly. "I don't want to hurt you ..."

Malcolm smiled. "My lips weren't injured. Please, kiss me."

You smiled briefly before placing your lips onto his.

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