Disco. Sylvia Tilly - Romance In Sickbay

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A/N: This was requested by kate_the_dork. Enjoy!

"Have a seat," you instructed Tilly as you pulled your cart of instruments over to the biobed.

Tilly did as she was told and looked around sickbay nervously. It wasn't that she was nervous for her check up. No, she was quite used to having check ups done as per the requirements of Starfleet. She was nervous because you were doing her examination. Tilly had developed a huge crush on you over the past few months. She did her best to hide it (or so she thought) because she was quite worried about how you would react.

"If you're busy, I can come back another time," Tilly said.

You shook your head. "I'm not busy. Besides, this appointment was scheduled into my shift, so I made the time for it. It's not that bad. You have nothing to be worried about. I know doctor's visits can sometimes cause some anxiety."

Awkwardly, she nodded.

You held up a small flashlight. "All right, I'm just going to test your pupillary responses. So I just need you to look straight ahead and I'm going to shine this line to your eyes, okay?"

She nodded. "So just stare like right in front of me? At you?"

You smiled softly and turned the flashlight on. "Yup. Keep your gaze steady."

Tilly looked ahead, focusing her eyes on the collar of your uniform. You moved the flashlight from eye to eye, and after you were satisfied with the results, you turned the flashlight off.

"All right, your eyes look good. I'll do a quick hearing test next. So I'm going to just whisper a series of numbers in either ear and then get you to repeat them back to me."

A shiver ran down Tilly's spine at the thought of you whispering in her ear. She nodded quickly. "Oh okay. Sure."

You leaned in at her right ear. "Three, eight, one, four," you whispered, breath fanning Tilly's ear.

"Three," she said once you were done. "Eight, one, four."

"Good." You smiled and moved to her other ear. "Five, two, seven, nine, thirteen."

Tilly repeated the numbers to you, trying her best to focus on the task at hand and not the feeling in the pit of her stomach from being so close to you.

"Excellent," you said. "I'm going to test your reflexes next, then just take some scans of your body to finish off the check up. Sound good?"

"Oh, it's almost over?" she asked. She had been so nervous for it to start that she'd wanted to cancel, but now that it was happening Tilly felt as though she didn't want it to end.

You nodded and picked up your reflex hammer. You first tested the reflexes of her knees with one hand on her thigh to hold it down gently.

Tilly's cheeks flushed pink when your hand was on her. She hoped you wouldn't notice.

"Reflexes here are good," you said. "Now I'm going to check your arms."

You moved her arm in the correct position, tested the reflex, then did the same to the other. You smiled at her. "Good."

"What do your scans detect?" she asked, a sudden realization dawning on her. What if they showed increased hormones or something else that would tell you she was attracted to you?

"They show a number of things," you said, picking up your scanner. "They tell me your heartrate, blood pressure, neurotransmitters, microbiome, any infections or diseases lurking in your system... and the general health of each organ. Why? Is there something in particular I should look out for?"

Tilly shook her head quickly, perhaps a little too quickly. "No, I'm just curious."

As you scanned her, Tilly felt her anxiety heighten. Finally, she couldn't take it any longer. "I have a crush on you," she blurted out.

Your eyes widened and you moved the scanner away for a moment. You looked up at her face, seeing the nervousness and shock of what she'd just said.

"I'm sorry," she said, laughing awkwardly. "I didn't mean to say that. Not that it isn't true, because it is. I've just been so nervous because this appointment has gotten us physically closer and I've never really been this close to you before. And I totally get it if you don't feel the same way. I just figured your scans would show you something and you'd get curious or worried that there was something wrong with me medically. Did I just make this super awkward? I'm so sorry."

You held up your hand. "Sylvia, hey, it's fine. I did notice your increased heartrate and dilated pupils."


"And you didn't make it awkward," you assured her, placing your hand onto her shoulder. "I have a bit of a crush on you, too."

"You do? You're not just saying that to make this less weird?"

You laughed softly. "No. I think you're cute, and kind, and funny, and fun to be around. I was actually really glad when I found out that I was assigned to do your physical. It gave me a reason to spend some time with you."

Tilly couldn't help the smile from spreading across her face. "So... so, would you like to um... go on a date or something sometime?"

You smiled. "That would be nice. Maybe we could grab dinner sometime this week when we're both free?"

Tilly bit her lip, trying to get her smile to settle down a little. She nodded. "I'll let you know my schedule after my shift."

"Can't wait. Now, other than your heartrate increase, I'm giving you a clean bill of health."

"My heartrate might be increased for the next few days until that date happens," Tilly admitted. "And during the date. And after the date."

"Are you sure your heart can handle us going on a date?" you teased with an affectionate smile.

Tilly laughed lightly. "I think it'll be fine. If not, I know of a great doctor who can help me."

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