TNG. Wesley Crusher - "You said my name in your sleep."

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Mildly NSFW

When your alarm in the morning went off, you heard Wes groan beside you. You smiled, put your PADD down, and told the computer to turn off the alarm. You'd been awake for a little while after not being able to get back to sleep and had been reading ever since.

"Morning," you murmured, brushing hair off Wes' face.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you. He saw that you were sitting and frowned. "Have you been awake long?"

"Only about half an hour," you told him. "I didn't want to wake you, so I let you sleep in."

"Thanks." He rubbed his eyes, then added, "I wouldn't have minded being woken, you know."

"I know, but it sounded like you were having such a great dream," you teased, smiling down at his tired face.

His brow furrowed. "Huh?"

"You said my name in your sleep," you said. "Sounded like how you say it when we're—"

"Oh," he said, cutting you off. His cheeks tinted with pink. "Uh. Sorry. I didn't realize ..."

You leaned down and pecked his lips. "No need to apologize, babe. I actually thought it was hot."

"You did?" He sat up against the pillows.

"Mhm." You kissed him again, a little harder this time, but still only a peck. At least, that's what you were intending. Wes took your face in his hands and held it in front of his. He kissed you, hard, and you shifted your body closer. You moved to straddle him, pressing your bum against his crotch. He grunted and you smiled against his lips.

"Is this how your dream went?" you whispered.

Wes licked his lips and nodded. "Something like this, yeah."

"Show me how it went," you told him, kissing his jaw.

Wes grinned briefly, then attached his lips to yours once again.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now