Ent. Jonathan Archer - Hideouts

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You sat on the shuttlepod floor with a hyperspanner in your hands, trying to work on repairs. While landing the shuttle on an unexplored planet, an ion storm knocked nearly every system offline, causing the shuttle to crash on the planet's surface. Luckily, you'd landed in a dense forest where the thick trees cushioned your fall slightly. Neither you nor Jon were seriously injured, a little bruised and scratched, but nothing you couldn't handle. Even the phase pistols had been effected, and were completely inert against any attack.

"Get down!" Jon hissed, suddenly rushing towards you.

Before you could ask what was wrong, Jon pushed you onto your back and lay on top of you, shielding you from the view screen and whatever—or, whoever was out there. Your breath came out ragged due to the weight on Jon pushing against your chest. He breathed slowly through his nose, fanning your face ever other moment. Your hand was awkwardly underneath his arm, and you could feel his tense muscles. He had one arm wrapped around your waist to make sure you didn't move, and the other positioned near your head. Your heart was beating quickly in your chest, partly due to the fact that whoever was out there had made Jon nervous, and he rarely is nervous. But, also due to the fact that Jon was so close to you, close enough to kiss if you wanted.

Stop thinking like that, you scolded yourself. This is a serious situation and you're thinking about kissing the captain?

You felt Jon's heart beating nearly as hard as yours was. You moved your hand slightly to gently touch his side. His eyes moved to your face briefly before staring back towards the view-screen

After a few silent minutes, sighed. "I think they're gone."

"Who was it?" you asked just above a whisper.

He shrugged as he got off of you, sitting next to you. "The residents of this planet. We don't know if they're hostile or not, so I figured it best if we hide from them for now. At least until we have our scanners and weapons operational again."

You nodded slowly, sitting up. "Right. Quick thinking."

Jon gave you a brief smile. "Hope I wasn't too heavy."

You huffed out a short laugh. "No, it was fine."

"Did I hurt you? I know it was kind of sudden..."

You shook your head and gave him a small smile. "No, I'm okay."

"Good." Jon stared at you for a few moments, admiring your facial features. Then, he cleared his throat and stood. "Better continue with the repairs."

You nodded quietly and watched him walk back to his repairs before eventually getting back to yours.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now