Voy. Date Night With Chakotay Would Include...

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Chakotay would cook for you two in his quarters. Not just replicating a meal, but actually cooking it from scratch. He'd get the ingredients from Neelix and would spend hours preparing the meal. It would be vegetarian, of course, since Chakotay is vegetarian, but it would be one of your favourite meals and he'd make sure to prepare it perfectly.

He would have fake candles lit in his quarters (no flames on board) and would have the lights dimmed to a relaxing brightness.

You'd show up dressed in something nice, but not too formal. If it was near the beginning of your relationship, you might be a little nervous about how you looked and whether you should have chosen a different outfit. If that were the case, Chakotay would reassure you several times that you loved perfect. He'd do the same if it wasn't the beginning of your relationship and you two had been dating for a while, though at that point you wouldn't feel so insecure about your appearance around him.

You two would talk about your days as you ate dinner. He'd ask about how you were doing as well as how your work was. You'd answer him honestly, telling him about anything that was bothering you at the time. You'd then ask him about how he was doing and he would be just as honest with you about his feelings. You two wouldn't hide your feelings from each other often, unless it was something drastic in which case the other would instantly know something was wrong.

After eating and cleaning up, Chakotay would put on some classical music perfect for dancing. You two would dance slowly around his living area, either waltzing or simple slow-dancing.

You'd be close to one another, close enough to kiss each other easily. Kissing would most likely happen, too. Whether it'd be sweet pecks on the lips or a longer, more passionate kiss.

Once you two were danced-out, you'd probably just settle in on the sofa or in his bed and cuddle for a while. You'd both change into lounging or sleeping wear (you'd keep some at his quarters if you two weren't already living together) and spend the rest of the evening holding each other and just talking about whatever was on your minds.

Eventually, you'd fall asleep, very comforted and at ease knowing Chakotay's arms were around you and that you would wake up to him the following morning.

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