Voy. Tom Paris - You're Kidnapped

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You were thrown into a cell barely half the size of Captain Janeway's office, landing painfully on your hands and knees. You heard Tom land beside you, and his shouts were cut off when he hit the ground.

His head whipped around when he heard the door to the cell slam shut. "Hey!" He leaped to his feet. "You can't do this! We're here to help with the peace treaty! Let us out!"

"They won't let us go," you said softly, moving to sit on your bum. You rubbed your sore wrist and winced.

Tom looked to you and his expression when from angry to concerned in a split second. "Y/N, did they hurt you? Are you okay?"

"I'll live." You sighed. "Well, this isn't the worst hotel I've stayed at, but it'll have to do."

Though he appreciated your attempt at humour, Tom still frowned worriedly at you. He went to your side and crouched beside you. "Let me take a look at that."

You moved your hurt wrist away before he could take it. "I'm fine. We should focus on getting out of here. Or thinking about what to do when they come back."

"Nuh uh. Not until you let me look at your wrist. It could be broken, Y/N."

"It's not broken," you said.

Tom gave you a look. "Please. Just let me look at it."

You sighed, defeated, and held up your hand for him to investigate. Tom carefully took your hand in his and felt your wrist delicately. You bit your lip, trying not to hiss in pain. When his thumb pressed against the underside of your wrist, you gasped.

"Sorry." He removed his fingers, though still held your hand in his. "It's sprained. Not broken, though."

"Told you," you said through gritted teeth.

Tom pulled his jacket off and tore a piece of fabric from the bottom.

"What are you doing?" you asked. "We might need that to keep warm."

"You need it to keep your wrist less mobile," he told you, all ready beginning to wrap your injured wrist with the strip of fabric. "If we can minimize its activity until we get back to Voyager, it'll be better to treat. Plus, it won't hurt as much while we're down here."

You nodded your thanks. "So, how do we get out of here?"

Tom stood and looked around. There was a window, though it was completely barred shut. The bed—which was really just a metal slab—was bolted to the floor. There was no lightbulb or any other kind of glass you could break to use as a weapon.

"If we could break through the window, we could climb out," you suggested.

Tom shook his head, though. "There's no way to get through that without a phaser or saw."

"What about the door? Could we try to fight our way through when they come back?"

Again, Tom shook his head. "They're much stronger than we are. Besides," he said while he sat on the edge of the bed, "they're the ones with the guns, remember?"

You frowned and went to the bed as well, taking a seat next to him. "So what do we do?"

"Our best option at the moment is to wait for Voyager to find us and rescue us."

You groaned.

Tom chuckled and nudged your shoulder with him. "Hey. I'm not that bad to be with, am I?"

You smiled, despite the circumstances. "No. You're not the worst person to be trapped in a cell with."

"Not the worst? Who'd be the worst?"

"Tuvok," you answered instantly.

"Ouch. I'm second to worst after Tuvok?"

You smiled at him and leaned against his shoulder ever so slightly. "You're all right, I guess."

"All right?" Tom asked, feigning hurt. "Just all right?"

You smiled softly. "Let's just say I'm glad you're here with me. I don't know how I'd manage without you by my side."

Tom wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you against him. "I'm glad I'm here with you too, Y/N. This way, I can make sure to keep you safe. I won't let them hurt you again, you hear me? I'll protect you."

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