DS9. Julian Bashir - Growing Family

847 31 10

A/N: Pregnant, female reader

The door to your quarters opened and in stepped Julian, eyes fixed on a PADD in his hand.

"Hey," you said with a smile. "How was work?"

He looked up to you and returned your smile. "Good. You?"

"Pretty good," you replied, a mixture of excited and nervous butterflies swarming in your stomach. Your soon to be quite swollen stomach. You had found out a few days ago that you were six weeks pregnant and you had been trying to come up with a fun way to tell your husband. It took everything in you not to just blurt out the news to him, but you wanted it to be special and unique.

Julian put the PADD down onto the coffee table in front of the couch you were on and went in front of you. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss on your lips and you smiled.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, referring to the dizzy spell you had in the morning.

"Better," you admitted. "Just needed to eat something is all."

Julian nodded. "I'm going to go change and then we can have some food."

You bit your lip to try and contain the wide smile that wanted to spread across your face. "Sounds good."

He went into your bedroom and a moment later he called out, "Y/N?"

Your smile widened and you stood up. "Yeah?"

He came to the doorway, holding his teddy bear in his hands. "Why is Kukalaka wearing a diaper?"

You approached Julian slowly. "Well... I wanted to practice..."

Julian's brow furrowed. "Practice? Practice for what?"

You grinned uncontrollably at him and realization dawned upon him. His eyes widened and his mouth opened.

"Y/N, are you pregnant?" he asked.

You nodded quickly. "Six weeks."

Julian let out an excited yell and dropped Kukalaka so he could gather you in his arms. You laughed and hugged him tightly.

"You're sure?" he asked, pulling away enough to look at you.

"Positive," you replied. "We're going to be parents."

"Oh my God. We're having a baby," he exclaimed, eyes welling with tears.

"No, don't cry. If you cry then I'll start to cry," you said, laughing lightly.

Julian smiled and shook his head. "I can't help it. I'm just so happy."

You smiled too. "Me too."

Julian crouched down in front of you and put his hand onto your stomach. "A baby... Our baby."

You put your hand over his. "This baby is so lucky to have you as its father."

He looked up at you. "And to have you as its mother."

"We're going to be good parents, right?"

Julian stood up. "We," he said, pausing to kiss you, "are"—another kiss—"going to be"—yet another kiss—"incredible parents."

The joyous tears escaped from your eyes. "I love you so much."

"And I love you." He looked down at your stomach. "And you, little one."

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