TNG. Having Worf as a Father Figure Would Include...

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You would be a young security officer, possibly fresh out of the academy. You'd be nervous because it would be your first deep space assignment, plus you'd barely know anyone on board other than maybe a few people who you'd met at the academy.

You'd admire Worf's courage and skills and would ask him to mentor you and help you become a better officer. Worf would take you under his wing, giving you extra training practice (especially in hand-to-hand combat) and taking time out of his schedule to make sure you were adjusting to life on a starship.

He'd also teach you some of the ways of a Klingon warrior, telling you all about what constitutes as honour and what doesn't. He'd also tell you about Kahless, hoping you'd find inspiration in his journey.

You would help Worf with Alexander on occasion. You'd babysit when Worf was away on a mission and would visit with Alexander if Worf had to work late.

You and Worf would have meals together if your schedules permitted. Sometimes you'd eat in his quarters with Alexander, other times you'd eat in Ten Forward for a more social atmosphere.

Worf would be quite protective of you. He'd know that you could take care of yourself—you were a security officer after all—but he'd still worry for your safety and would want to be with you on missions for the first little while of you being on board.

You would go to Worf with any problems you were having, whether they were work-related or more personal. He would give you advice about whatever was troubling you. Though sometimes he would give you tough-love, he'd always be supportive and would try his best to come up with solutions to your problems.

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