Voy. Going On A Date With The Doctor Would Include...

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Him spending hours making and perfecting a holodeck program for the two of you

You meeting him at the holodeck in fancy attire (because he told you to wear something nice), and worrying over whether or not it's too much only to see that he's dressed up in a fancy suit. When you comment on it he suddenly gets really nervous saying stuff like, "Is this too formal? Should I change?" to which you respond with, "No, Doc, it's perfect."

The program being of a medieval-style ball in a huge ballroom, decorated with beautiful chandeliers and fairy lights

The Doctor offering you his arm and asking if you'd like to dance, which you quickly say yes to

Him holding your waist and hand delicately, as if afraid of getting too close

You moving closer to him, which he gets flustered over

Looking at all of the other holograms and saying, "Kind of crowded in here, don't you think?"

Him smiling and asking if you'd prefer it to be the two of you before deleting the rest of the holograms in the program

You resting your head on the Doctor's shoulder as the two of you dance slowly to the music

Him commenting on how he's having a wonderful time, then you agreeing and saying that you'd love to do it again

Him smiling widely and stroking your back gently while the song continues

Parting from one another after the song is finished and staring at one another for a few moments

Him getting nervous and saying something like, "I'm not really an expert on dates, but I believe in movies and stories, this is the part when the couple kisses."

You laughing at his comment before ending the date with a kiss

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