AOS/TOS. Being Jim Kirk's Sibling Would Include...

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Him being so protective of you and rarely lets you go on away missions that he's not on because he needs to keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe

Only lets you go on away missions if there's little risk involved; you being so annoyed because those are the missions like surveying a planet or collecting rock and plant samples—which are boring as hell

The two of you having dinner together at least twice a week, either in his quarters or yours, to catch up and talk about anything that's on your minds

Always going to him with problems, whether it be personal or work related. He'd always do anything he could to make the situation better for you

You having to constantly lecture him when he gets hurt or put in a bad situation; him being super nonchalant about it:

"Y/N, it's just a scratch."

"Jim you're fucking arm is covered with blood!"

People always commenting on how alike you two look, causing you to both roll your (incredibly blue) eyes

Never telling him about your crushes due to the fact that he'd probably order them to stay away from you

You catching him hooking up with officers often; letting yourself into his quarters only to find him in bed with some naked crewmember

Him always having to apologize to you about how many times you've seen him naked with a girl, but you always shrugging it off because let's be honest it's probably been happening since he learned what a vagina is

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