Ent. Enemies To Lovers With Malcolm Reed Would Include...

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You wouldn't necessarily be enemies per se, but Malcolm would feel threatened by your talents. He's not the greatest at making friends to begin with, but when he feels inadequate it's even worse. Whether you were in security or not, Malcolm would still feel like his skills are marginal compared to yours. He'd be jealous of how good you were with others and how quick you were to come up with solutions to a variety of problems.

Because of his jealous feelings, he would sometimes act cold towards you. He's never one to admit when he's wrong so if you ever came up with a protocol or idea that differed from his, he'd get pretty defensive.

You wouldn't understand why he was often giving you the cold shoulder, but you did your best to be nice to him. Though after dealing with his pettiness for some time, you'd make snarky remarks in return to show him that you weren't going to accept his attitude.

The two of you would have to work together often. You'd butt heads and argue about what way to go about the tasks at hand. After a few months of working together on various tasks, you'd find a way to compromise and figure things out without getting into a heated argument.

You'd begin to work on solutions to problems together during your off-hours, eating together in the mess-hall as you discussed how to improve the efficiency of this or that, or getting together at one of your quarters to bounce ideas off of each other.

One day Trip would join you two for lunch and after not witnessing any disagreements or spats between you and Malcolm, Trip would grow concerned and ask, "Did I enter an alternate reality or somethin' Shouldn't you two be at each other's throats?

You and Malcolm would just laugh and shrug, not really knowing when the exact moment was when you two started to become friends, but being grateful for it nonetheless.

Malcolm would grow protective over you as you two got closer. He'd make sure to stay by your side on away missions and would insist on you checking in with Enterprise in regular intervals when he wasn't on the mission with you. He would even offer to talk to anyone who made you upset and would threaten aliens who disrespected you or wished to cause you harm.

You would slowly get Malcolm to open up to you. You'd start asking him personal questions about himself when you two were together. At first, he'd be a bit wary and only give you short answers or would change the subject. But soon he would learn to trust you and feel comfortable enough around you to tell you about himself in a way that not many people knew.

Malcolm would realize he was in love with you when you got critically injured on an away mission or during an attack. He would be worried sick, thinking of the worst possible scenario as you were rushed to sickbay. He would have visited you as soon as he could, and while he waited for that chance his mind would be filled with thoughts of you. When he finally was able to see you, he'd be so relieved that you were okay that he'd tear up. He would check with Phlox several times that you were going to make a full recovery and even then he was still filled with worry.

You'd hold his hand and tell him you were going to be fine, but he would be so worked up and so anxious that he'd not want to leave your side. He'd sit on the edge of your bed and you held his hand tight to reassure him that you were going to be okay.

"I was so afraid I'd lost you," he'd mumble, voice shaky.

"You won't lose me, Mal. I'm not going anywhere."

"Y/N, when I thought I'd lost you, I... I felt like everything was crumbling in around me. I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I've never felt as close to someone as I feel with you. I need you in my life. And I think... I think I'm in love with you."

"Oh, Mal. I'm in love with you, too."

Your relationship would take off from there. Since Malcolm already felt so close to you, he'd jump right into the caring and affection boyfriend role. He'd check in on you during your shift, bring you snacks and coffee or tea during a long day, make sure you were safe and healthy, and would be so gentle and caring to you when you were having a bad day. He'd hold you and let you cry it out, or just sit with you and listen as you vented, or gave you sound advice. He'd do whatever you needed him to do in order for you to feel better.

PDA would be minimal because Malcolm is quite shy around others, and he wouldn't find it appropriate to show off your relationship in that manner. You wouldn't mind, though. It just meant that when PDA did occur, it was that much more special and meaningful to the both of you.

You would know exactly how to make him relax and feel better when he was stressed or having a bad day. You'd lie with him in bed, you on your back and him with his head on your chest. He'd love to just be with you, listening to your heartbeat as he held your hand loosely. You'd run your fingers through his hair and tell him stories, true or made-up.

Malcolm would tell you time and time again that he had never felt so happy and so in love, and that he had never let himself be so vulnerable and open with someone before. He would also tell you how grateful he was to have you in his life and that he didn't want to ever be apart from you because you grounded him.

You would tell him how safe and loved you felt with him. How you felt so appreciated and cared for and that he was the sweetest partner you'd ever had. He was always so loving with you; so gentle around you. He'd do everything he could to make sure you were okay both mentally and physically.

You were his anchor and he was your protector.

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