TNG. Data - You Repair Him

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You scanned Data's body and frowned, seeing it being mirrored on Geordi's face. "How did this happen, Data?" you asked.

Data looked to you, expression neutral. You almost winced for him. If Data had been human, he would have been in excruciating pain with a hole that big in his torso.

"Commander Riker and I were down on the planet, investigating the old technology left behind. When I tried to access a set of files, an intense energy beam struck me."

"Energy beam, huh?" Geordi looked Data over and shook his head slowly. "Well, that energy beam did a hell of a lot of damage. I'm detecting several circuits are disconnected and a few of your relays are fried. We'll have to start from scratch for the relays and reconnect all the circuits. I'm going to go look in the database to see what we have on your schematics." Geordi looked to you, confidence in his eyes. "Y/N, why don't you start fusing some of those circuits back together. Use low intensity, though. We don't want to do anymore damage."

You nodded. "Right."

As Geordi went to a computer station, you took one of your tools and bent down to get a better look at Data's injury. You sucked your teeth and brought the tool to the circuits. You shook your head slightly. "Your systems are all so advanced. I wish Soong was alive so I could learn more about how you work."

Data pondered that for a few moments. "I too wish he was still alive. He was like my father."

You paused the fusing and put your hand on Data's knee, which he seemed very confused about. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought him up."

"You have not upset me, Y/N."

"I know, I'm still sorry." You removed your hand from his knee and continued to work on the circuits.

Data had no answer to that, so he kept his mouth shut.

"Why do you seem... tense?" Data asked after a few minutes of watching you work.

You spared him a glance. "Because I am tense. One of my friends got injured, and I'm the one who has to put him back together. One wrong move and your left leg could become paralyzed."

"I am not injured, I am only damaged, Damage can be repaired, and so can I. You will repair me, Y/N."

That brought a small smile to your lips. "Thanks for having such faith in me. Y'know, if that beam had been a few millimetres to the right, it would have struck the circuits that control everything. You're lucky to be alive."

Data's head quirked to the side. "But I am not alive, Y/N. I am an android."

You sighed, looking up at him. You stared for a few moments before looking back down at his injury. "You are to me Data, you are to me."

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